Reviews for Steady
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 1 . 8/15/2018
Great work with this, a really good read.
Staffy-Bull chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
God, I'm struggling to find the words.

This is a beautiful fic, chapter and story complete or otherwise - I love Ruby x Cinder and it's been hard to find some quality stuff, but you really have it figured out. Plus, this is made all the better by my own personal preference for age difference stuff, so the setting and way you wrote the dynamics is more than a little breathtaking!

I may be crying a bit.

All the love to you and your wonderful writing; you're incredible!
Zero The Grimm chapter 1 . 10/27/2015
Nhaaaa... more please...
ARMV7 chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
I rember seeing this on Tumblr, caught my eye and read through the ideas for it. But I was all like: "Where's the fic?" Because I really wanted to read it. So I'm glad that my random searching led me to find It.

What a nice read. Really it was. Perfect mix of feels, passion, and plot. A lot of good moments in this one-shot? Chapter? Idk. I see a lot of AU's that don't really catch my attention but this one did. What an interesting context your using here.

Overall excellent work. I'm not one for first person, but I can make an exception with this one because of how well the descriptions painted an image in my mind. Great work. Probably the best one-shot I've read in a while. :)
Jefardi chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
I liked! Maybe some more chapters?

Rixelated chapter 1 . 1/20/2015
Really liked it. Im hoping this isnt a oneshot as i would love more of it.