Reviews for Goodbye, My love
Cyrizzle chapter 23 . 2/15/2013
Great story!
TropicalRemix chapter 23 . 11/24/2010
hello. so they have a big new enemy that is a youma to fight now. I hope darien and them get out ok. i hope you continue. I want to see what happens next.
Death and Rebirth chapter 23 . 10/5/2010
k u should finish though
Hannah42992 chapter 23 . 12/21/2007
what happens! I want to know so bad...great story so far...please continue with it...)
moongirl chapter 23 . 12/8/2007
update update update!
Bunnigirl07 chapter 23 . 8/20/2007
I feel bad for Serena and Darien but I also feel bad for poor Mina. But Max seems to be making up for it! Is anything going to happen between those two? And what about the Princess and her Prince? What about Ami? Is she okay? Please update soon!

Ldsprincess chapter 23 . 8/19/2007
oh oh oh i was waiting for this chappie for ages thanx and plz type the next chappie soon.

FireboltFlame6938 chapter 23 . 8/19/2007
Plz Update soon I can't wait!
ff9moonie chapter 23 . 8/19/2007
jasmineflower001 chapter 23 . 8/19/2007
aw, its soo cute how darien and sarena are back together! im glad they got out ok...i hope darien doesnt die again because sarena will be devastated for life...
rosebudjamie chapter 23 . 8/18/2007
really good, please update soon
rosebudjamie chapter 22 . 8/5/2007
update soon
Megan Consoer chapter 22 . 8/4/2007
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
fanatic27 chapter 22 . 8/3/2007
i'm new to fanfic and i stumbled on your story. i think this is an amazing story and you have me hooked! i can't wait to find out what happens next and i am so glad that serena and darien are finally back together. such dedication to be writing for so long! your character, max, sounds so hot! i think the pairing with mina is cute! haha anyways just wanted to give you props on a job well done and i can't wait for you to finish this story! please update soon! hehe i already add this story to alert list and favorite list!
jasmineflower001 chapter 22 . 8/1/2007
wow, this was a good chapter! i cant wait for the next update! i wanna see what happens with serena and darien, and now max and mina. ur a really good writer! dont forget the part i said about the moon princess...
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