Reviews for Grafitti Artist After His Own Rebel Heart
Ramage chapter 50 . 7/5
Hey great story. You did a great job filling in the gaps between episodes. Ezrabine forever! They are perfect for each other.
I hope one day we see ezra returned with a sabine by his side forever! Thanks again!
Lammen Gorthaur chapter 50 . 9/9/2018
Will there be a part two or more added to this? I hope so it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too good to not continue. :3
dld51 chapter 50 . 5/19/2018
Someone please shoot Lando. Making a pass at a emotional Sabine who is missing her husband. Wish Zeb and Hera show up. Hera would stop it, but Zeb would have pounded him into the ground. Then tell Ezra about it later.
PetaZedrok chapter 50 . 4/13/2018
PetaZedrok chapter 20 . 4/13/2018
Umm its purrgils, but anyway, this is great.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/20/2018
Great story thus far. I totally suck at reviews but at 62 I'm allowed Keep up the good work and thanks for writing.

Achillies453 chapter 50 . 3/12/2018
Pleas tell me your going to write something about Sabine finding Ezra. I don't want this to end just yet.
Light chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
Is this gonna be the end of the story or is there still more to be written?
william.bragg.165 chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
Nice. It has been fun reading this
Guest chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
Please tell me you are going to write a small story about Sabine finding Ezra.
Exar Sunrider chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
And so ends, the Star Wars Rebels arc of this story. Truly one of my favorite stories. I hope to see maybe a sequel story in the future, featuring in-betweens of the results of her search. But anyway,
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
This is awesome! Are you going to do a Finding Ezra story?
Spectre6 chapter 50 . 3/11/2018
First off, I love how you described Sabine as "sexy and sweet young thing", because it's so true. Second, I hope Ezra kicks Lando quite hard when he returns. Lando flirting with her, and then holding her in his arms...that has me infuriated and jealous beyond belief. If it had been Hera, Zeb, even KALLUS, that would've been fine, but Lando is the type who would sleep with a married woman despite knowing her husband.
Guest chapter 49 . 2/27/2018
I would've thought the chapter would be Ezra telling the others that Ahsoka is alive
Light 8496 chapter 49 . 2/27/2018
Instead of making a chapter on Ezra and Sabine you made a chapter on Hera. I definitely didn't see that coming.
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