Reviews for A Decade and Forever
Addie101 chapter 1 . 5/19
Enjoyable, wholesome story! Thank you
Dark White Fang chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
Say, do you know where I could find the novel decently translated ?
Amouren chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
and the head cannon has been altered bravo great use of the second person narrative not oftern that that gets used
The Archivist of Nyx chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
I dub thee canon!

this was amazing :) who cares if they were OOC. a decade changes people
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
That was freaking awesome
Aihara44 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
what a sad story of touma n sweet as always that misaka approved his marriage proposal though
Horizon Dreamer chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
SHIT ! My blood is full with sweetness right now...
thats just so heartwarming !

oh Misaka, i really want to take you from imaginary world but i think Touma will shatter this illusion of mine before i can...
the pov is new to me but i can easely read it.. i feel like i become touma..
and 7 years of crush and a lot of denial... the become a couple..
thats...sad ? its just i feel sorry for biribiri..
and toumas outburst about how his plan to propose is failed... i like it... and because you write it... i like you..
IarIz chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
Yes _ read this before sleep. And im sure ill get a nice dream with mikoto and touma in it. It just so happen im kinda depresed lately and cant sleep with easy. XD well Kamikoto our dear OTP will help me alot xD.
Nelura chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
well that was definitely a long read(for a one-shot).

i have too say that it was a roller coaster of waiting for them to finally get together. worth the heart wrenching drama i had too sit through(literally) to get the end where Toma and Mikoto get engaged too one another.

Have too say that this is my favorite pairing From the To Aru Majutsu no index/Kagaku no railgun pairings. they belong together in my opinion.

thanks for this amazing read.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
True that punching someone that is dating your loved one would get you nowhere with her ,but heck, this kind of scenario always put a grin on my those with the happy ,never ruin someones date in a fancy restaurant,you will get kicked straight to worth it if its a fake date you ruin though
Good chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
I liked it. Second person narratives aren't my favorite, and it would be interesting to reat this in third or even first person. Second person always feels like some adventure book and at the turn of each scene, I expect to be given a question:

She finishes playing her violin and you, (a) Risk electrocution or mutilation by pinching her bottom. (b) Rely upon a safe compliment. (c) Inform her that Tchaikovsky has nothing to worry about but you'll keep listening to her practice. (d) Ask her opinion on birth control, after all, you've got nothing better to do than die tonight.

Oh well, chalk it up to personal taste. Still it was a nice piece of fluff.

IansInsane chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
SQEEEEEEE! Hey what the F man! You're making sqeal like a little schoolgirl! That was just to good!
Twotwentytwo chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Adorable. I can't decide if I like younger or older Mikoto more, one's adorably tsundere and one's and self-confident beauty. Touma's slow realization that girls exist was pretty fun as well. I kinda wish we got a scene or two of them as a couple just grossing out everyone by being so disgustingly lovey-dovey after all that pent-up love. I felt like the ending was great, though(Touma proposing in a crappy shed in the rain is pretty much the most Touma thing). Good work.
Karen chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
Gosshhh I love this story, it was soooo freakin cute, I love it! I thought it was funny when touma punched mikoto date, I was dying, the guy never saw it coming. I love your writing style, it was beautifully written. It was like everyrything that touma felt, I felt. The anguish the dispair, the love that he has for mikoto, everything. Anyways, you did an awesome job writing this story.
Kevinnlopez chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Speechless, that was amazing and really worth the couple of hours I spent reading it
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