Reviews for Poké Wars: The Lapidescence (Kanto Arc: Part 1)
Jack Kellar chapter 26 . 4/3/2019
I don't believe this is right. We are in the middle of a plot thread, how can this be marked as complete?

Anyway, diplomacy go! It pleases me greatly to see humans and pokemon speaking on eye-to-eye terms, respect between sapients. And hey, Mimey called Ivec out on how much of a fucking hypocrite he was. That's always a pleasure.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/1/2019
Pokemon having more personality, motivations and feelings has been uplifting and in this case, heartbreaking. Poor Ash, poor Pidgeot...

This entire story deserves a musical track, and if I can name one, it would be "Mist Ache" from the Rise Of The Triad soundtrack. It's a loaded, somber and anguished track full of desperation, exactly like this whole story.
Jack Kellar chapter 6 . 3/20/2019
I see you're dropping in fun facts again, Corns. So here's another one:

Regular blood is red, but NOT just because it's red. It is, in tact, an extremely concentrated YELLOW. You can see it by putting a drop in water - it dissolves into a yellow color. So yeah, nothing should be "pink" in the gore-stained ship; at most it should be brown from it drying up and coagulating.
Jack Kellar chapter 1 . 3/18/2019
And so, once again, Pokémon stops being Pokémon and becomes XCOM.
hellion117 chapter 9 . 3/1/2019
That poked my emotions
hellion117 chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
Fucking brutal I LOVE IT
7sky chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
what? It was going so well then... what? What?! i just... What?
FireDragonX23 chapter 26 . 12/25/2018
I’m not sure if Ash was thinking to himself or is it someone else talking to him.
PXR90 chapter 26 . 12/23/2018
Oh wait, I forgot, they weren't the ones that killed his mother, it was . Hopefully I didn't spoil that for anyone lol.
PXR90 chapter 26 . 12/23/2018
You know, normally forming an alliance with the faction that just tried to kill off your side so soon wouldn't go over so well. Not sure if this is a smart idea or a really stupid one, but at some point they do have to start making allies. Bringing Tracy to negotiate was probably pushing it, but it was likely a very good thing they didn't bring Ash, since there was no telling how he would react to seeing the Spearow and Fearow that killed not only his mother, but a few of his pokemon as well.

Also, I guess this kind of marks the moment where Mr. Mime started manipulating Ash's mental state. I remember Samarui found out about it in the other version, so this could turn interesting, especially if starts realizing he can't hold back whatever it is that is currently brewing inside Ash's head.
Guest chapter 26 . 12/20/2018
Heh, well you probably made a lot of BunearyXPikachu shippers really happy with this chapter lol.
the Zogg chapter 26 . 12/19/2018
After the last few chapters roiled in the excesses of needless darkness (even for this story) and melodrama I find this chapter a glorious return to form.

Despite ghost Ivec's taunts I find it fascinating how it's had a strangely positive effect on Ash. It makes him decide not to sink to the levels of barbarism that everyone runs the risks of falling into. To one day be a man of vision who can forge a new society with both war AND diplomacy.

And for once, I liked a romance scene in a Pokemon fanfic. I liked that there was a reason for Pikachu to proposition to Buneary. He has no idea if he loves her, but the deaths of his friends means that he doesn't want there to any more regrets caused by losing people so starting a romantic relationship is worth the risk. It has the potential to be low-key and non-intrusive. The est kind of romance in a war drama.

And I love Brock's plan. Making a deal with the Fearow to fight the Beedrill is a stroke of genius. If they're victorious they can curtail a invasive species while establishing a more stable ecosystem of the Fearow only needing to feed on the Beedrill who multiply to wantonly giving some stability to the Pallet area making it less of a death trap.
Empathlc chapter 26 . 12/18/2018
That was a nice and peaceful chapter... for a change. :D I'm glad Ukeke might survive, I liked him as a character since he was introduced and was hoping he wouldn't be slaughtered in the fight. I hope alls well that ends well, in the sense that in the battle to come doesn't end with a ton more casualties. Nice chapter as usual. I'm looking forward to the final chapter of this arc, and with it some possible conclusions to all this madness in Pallet.
Empathlc chapter 25 . 11/12/2018
That was rough. I have no words other than that was on the verge of terrifying. That last line has me worried for Ash. Like seriously worried.
Empathlc chapter 24 . 11/12/2018
Dang was this emotional. I don't know how to respond to it. It was executed and written perfectly in my opinion. It captivated the characters' emotions and essentially revealed the events in ways that kept suspense while still giving enough information to keep you interested. Very well done in my opinion. :D The way I found your book was because I wanted to read a dystopian or war themed Pokemon book, and after stumbling on one of your other books, I laid eyes on this and said to myself "Let's give it a go. You can always just stop reading after the first few chapters if you don't like it." But I'm still here after three days, about to read chapter 25.
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