Reviews for Metroid: Valkyrie
EeveeNicks chapter 1 . 6/4/2016
I enjoyed this. It's short and sweet and conveys what Samus is feeling very well. I love read indifferent interpretations of her life post-fusion, and I felt this one was very realistic. "Tired" would definitely be the word for it.
D.stortion chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
It's not often I read a Metroid fic, much less review one but here goes nothing.

What I want to praise the most is the characterization. It's on point, the replies were really well written as they all felt very natural and smooth, it's like I could feel that it was the "real" Samus and the "real" Adam speaking there, it felt great.

The plot just leaves me hunger for more, the idea seems great and forces my imagination to think of what would happen later on in the story.

All in all, it's a great one shot, apologies if you expected more from the review but I can't find anything else to say.

Loved it.