Reviews for Villainess
Fleur24 chapter 2 . 11/6/2016
I love this new chapter! Can't to read more. It will be interesting to see Bella as a vampiress. Away from Edward's influence, she's sure to be magnificent. Aro's always an interesting character to read about because he has so many faces and you never know his motivations.
AnaBookWorm chapter 2 . 6/5/2016
Wow! That's awesome! I have to confess that I have no idea where this story is going!
asia.joanna.7334 chapter 2 . 6/3/2016
wow:) I love it:) plis more soonnn:)
TooLazy2Login chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
So glad to see this updated. Please continue!
Kyilliki chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
Your Aro is an absolute delight. He has all the overt sex appeal of a geriatric reference librarian, but at the same time, I viscerally get Bella's fascination. Of course there's something deeply alluring about the combination of power, age, showy decadence, and deliberate mystery, particularly for a young woman who roots her identity in aggressive mediocrity. And she's quite an active storyteller, isn't she, thinking in metaphors so baroque that they blur reality beyond recognition.

Because I'm the president of the Sulpicia Appreciation Society, I can't wait to see what you do with her character. At this point, Aro's dire warnings seem like dangled incentives for Bella to accept his offer in an attempt to outshine an imaginary rival, but my goodness, what is that's actually sufficient motivation for her? I almost feel sorry for Bella here, wondering about princesses and dragons and vampire ladies straight from the tawdrier Dracula covers, and utterly missing how wretched being possessed by Aro must be.

I'm running out of creative ways to tell you that you write dense, wonderful stories which get their claws in me and don't let go for days, but here goes: this was so lovely and funny and gorgeously written and I appreciate the update immensely. Thank you.
Evey Claire chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
This is so beautiful. I hope you continue it.
Matthias L. Stormcrow chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
Matthias L. Stormcrow chapter 1 . 5/29/2016
xX Removed Xx chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
I did not expect you to update this story. I'm happy that you did. I admire Bella's courage. I like Aro's character. I would say he's not OOC. You make me think about him, Bella, and Sulpicia. So he wants Bella just for pleasure? Does Aro love his wife? I'm dying to read more. Brilliant writing as always!
Hummingbyrdd chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
Oh my gosh, this is so awesome. Do you have any plans to continue working on this? I absolutely love it.
xX Removed Xx chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
Great start! Your writing is amazing! I hope you update. Thank you
Diamondisamazeballs chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
*Low whistle* Woow. Like what some other people stated, (It is a statement) you have a very unique way with your words, and of course your wording. This is so different from other stories, probably because in this story Aro is blunt and straightforward, as if he accepted that the truth hurts (He probably did a loonng time ago)

He did not leave it to Bella to figure it out, nor did he rush things through. He planned out the details meticulously, like the cunning manipulator he is. (Oh, what was the term that was used in another story- Smooth Criminal)

I like how you ended this chapter (I think) with a cliffhanger, leaving it to the reader's imagination- what is going to happen next? You truly have a thing with words- and I am not going to lie, I envy you for it. Not that I will turn bitter and vengeful, but I guess you have gained a new admirer. I will take this piece and the ideas and ways of words and I will try and use them for my own growth, as I am a very bad writer with very low self-confidence. (Do not worry, I will not plagiarize or anything, for I have no interest in writing Twilight fanfiction)

I sometimes think of myself only and I do not seek feedback, leaving it up to the reader, but meh. I know when I write a story I expect reviews to be helpful, negative if needed. I hope you don't take my feedback to heart and be offended, but when I see a true and successful writing potential- I want to take my time and help them improve- not that you needed it, but you kind of have a way with making people want to help you. Sorry if you do not want it, but I feel inclined to help you. (:D)

I hope you take this for granted, for I do not care. (But please do not become self-centered and over-confident)

I see no faults in this piece though, but I will give you some advice if you want to take it- Do not rush things through with Aro and Bella. Don't make them instant lovers/mates. Do not make them make love just because Aro wants her/ is fascinated with her enough to sleep with her. I think you should make it slowly growing love and passion, a little lust, but a lot of devotion on both parts. (Does that make sense?) I do not think Bella should fantasize about Aro and drift away from Edward just because he slept her- without her consent. I think it should be something like Bella convinced herself that she loves Edward not Aro, and keeps denying and lying after a while-I guess. As for Aro, don't make him divorce his wife because he isn't appealed by her or anything right after he slept with Bella. He should slowly lose interest, until it is almost nothing at all.

(Heh this has to be my biggest review ever and I hope you use my advice, but do not change the story because of this. I guess when you update this I will review again. Byee)
DramaDramaDrama chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
Once again, amazing! (Metaphorically) dying to see how this continues. And I sincerely hope that this obvious habit mine that involves not finding out that you have published something stops immediately. They are simply too good to miss. :)
Madamexx chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
You certainly have a way with words, Dalliancetreads. I find this story highly amusing. I'm dying to see where you take it. :D
littlesweetangel chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
I like it. Hope you update soon. :)
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