Reviews for Humpty Dumpty
Blufox03 chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Oh my god. This is so horrifying but so enrapturing at the same time. Amazing work.
ParadoxicOrder8 chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
Thia was... fucked up. Dark as hell and macabre. I love it. Just... just shit. That was amazing.
Dictator4Life chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
Oh my god. I love how you structured the story and your writing is hugely atmospheric but Jesus
imagoddamncat chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
This so dark... So Tadashi is Humpty? Well they never did specify that Humpty was an egg yet they turned him into one to not scare kids... Lovely story... The jumpy writing style really suits the theme though, you're a good writer.
Sekushina akuma chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
This is one of my favorite bh6 fanfics. You did a great job. You're an amazing writer and story teller. Keep up the good work. Hope to see more from you in the future. chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
oh crap I haven't seen the movie but I've seen enough spoilers that I might as well have and- wow. You are- this is- I don't know how fu**ed up I must be, because this was chilling and creepy and suspenseful in all the right ways. I got really squicked by the cannibalism, but I'd been warned about that [thanks for that, by the way], and...well. I like how you got the really-pure-on-top-but-terrifying-in-reality motivations of a [insanely] overprotective older sibling, and as one in a rather dysfunctional family, I can empathize a bit with Tadashi. But- wow. You did a kicka** job with the suspense and the pacing, as well as how you had both situations running in parallel to the very end. This was disturbing, but amazing. Thank you for writing this!
NotSoNormalLady chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
This was so beautifully written! And it was so so so very sad. All the things Tadashi went through and had done all for Hiro's sake... For real, this really hit my feels.
Sinful Princess chapter 1 . 4/27/2015
;purses lips; Interesting.. to say the least. The reverse time lapse threw me for a loop, but I really liked it.

Personally, my only qualm is that you said Cass' eyes are brown.. They're green; but that's just me being knit picky about things I shouldn't.

Truly an amazing story. Well constructed, thought out, and written. Great job!
MuteHero86 chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
Hiro you're the little shit who called him a monster. Now you'll be alone just like canon but with much more remorse; oh goddesses SO much more. I loved it. The horror and gore of the cannibal and parents. Forcefully eating your own parents, it was awful. Great job, you have a skill at horror and suspense. Honestly it was a bit confusing at first, which is on purpose right!? I love the scene jumps and the style of events. I stopped and read tadashi's story first after being confused half way through. Then read the other. It'd be cool to read it backwards so its in proper order. I have no idea what to say it was just brilliant. Of course Tadashi could become "insane" from the situation he was put through but as you suggested he always had it deep within his subconsious, or technically put, the lack there of. Agh its great
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2015
I honestly feel a little bit guilty for enjoying that. The violence, the blood.
I especially liked how you switched from the past to the present (sort of the present). It really set the story.
Shiny chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
*applauds* THAT was AMAZING. Magnificent! Incredible! One of the best works of art that mind has had the privilege of comprehending. It was pieced toghether masterfully and the way you discribed things; Glorious.

I especially love the way how you, instead of saying "You stabbed him in the side.", you decided to go with "You smoothly slid your black boot knife into his 6th intercostal space from behind."

Also, I can't go without complimenting that point of view! It adds a certain depth to the story that is not common.

Bottom line, amazing story, 10/10, will most certainly read again.
JoshHiro chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Wow... I have read quite a few BH6 fan fictions but none of them have been this dramatic in terms of suspense or story line. I love the concept, layout and overall presentation and wording used in this story. This is my first ever review so it probably seems too formal to be taken seriously but I absolutely loved this! I can't fully explain how much I was gripped by this. I loved how all loose ends were tied together by the end, how the story kept flicking from one scenario to the next, the relationship between Tadashi and Hiro was amazing and I was just ultimately just blown away by everything in this story.

PS. You made me cry XD This was a one-time read, there is nothing else remotely like this on here so I applaud you for all your great work. Well done! - JoshHiro
Dandelion-san chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
I've always believed that there is no such thing as a 'perfect' character, which is probably one of the reasons why I like Tadashi so much because there's so many things you can do with his character. Since the movie is from Hiro's perspective, we only ever see the good side of him too.
This fic is everything I wanted and I have to go hunt down some more yandere!Tadashi now.
anime pirate 13 chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
i cant even right now DX
(crys in the corner)
YmobilNoLogIn chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
That was horrible and great. But now I feel like I'm as sick as Tadashi for enjoying this
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