Reviews for Antipode Act 3: All That's Left
Lacan Shinn chapter 58 . 7/26
I still understand why you're not writing me back, and this Review isn't to try to convince you to write me. However, I'm - and I'm not saying this to try to string you along, these are my honest feelings and thoughts, but if you're worried I'm attempting to string you along I understand - *very* impressed with this Chapter. The scene with Elsa is maybe your best writing yet. It was exceptionally emotional, the prose was very well done, it was exceptionally moving and creative, and the whole scene - especially the emotions and creativity - was exceptionally *beautiful.*


"Let it go"-Elsa
Shiranai Atsune chapter 58 . 6/24
Yey! A new update!

So long, so good, so worth the wait!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 57 . 4/19
Holy moly! This chapter was INSANE! I felt my heart pumping like crazy! Great work!
Guest Isa chapter 57 . 3/22
Whew...That escalated quickly. I mean, that really got outta hand fast.

That's all I can say.

So Org. XIII is no longer suffering any interference, regardless of whether they have a Keyblade or not. Ooh boy...

Way to bring science into this and use logic to tie our heroes down, props to you for managing to do that, or was that always the plan?

"My family is my power...And I'll be theirs!" Really, spoken like a Keyblade wielder herself. You tease!

Hah, the image of Morph poking Xaldin in the eyes made my day!

Poor guy, in canon or in fics, he just can't catch a break. Between Morph and Elsa, really, he was probably worse off than he was in canon.
Lacan Shinn chapter 49 . 2/11
I was thinking of saving my next Review for when I finished looking at the Chapters before the Arendelle arc - which I've already looked at, in part or in whole, not just the recent ones - but there's a plot issue in this Chapter I need to address so I'll Review your story here.

The protagonists other than Jim talk about how Jim is the only person other than a Keyblade wielder who can open the map. Yet none of the protagonists have been told this before, so you have a plot inconsistency, as well as a plot hole, since you don't say why Jim is the only person who can open the map anywhere.

As far as other things to say go, twice you've had the characters react to the topic of dark corridors moving large masses as though they don't already know corridors can from the Cyclops battle. I'm assuming this is because dark corridors didn't move large masses in the initial version of the battle and that was something new from the edits. But whatever the reason, this is inconsistent with the Cyclops battle, so I recommend you edit this too.

I shouldn't have waited so long to look at this Fanfiction in-depth. It has the kind of characterization and creativity Fanfiction needs. It's a shame Updates are slower for this than HURRICANE HEARTBEAT, though that one has similar qualities.


"There's nothing more pathetic than a pet who's been abandoned by his master. Lacking the strength of the wild, he bares his pitiful form to the world and waits to die."-Margulis
XENOSAGA: Episode 3:
Lacan Shinn chapter 7 . 2/9
I'm looking at Book Three of ANTIPODE in earnest now. (So yes, I've returned partially to Fanfiction, though I've avoided most things that look like they include RE MIND.) I don't know about the earlier Books yet, and I'll probably wait for you to revise Book One before looking at that, but I won't just be looking at the latest Chapters now.

Great job with the opening arc to this Book. It was well-characterized, well-plotted, and had good attention to detail with the action and setting. You also did a great job being creative with things like how you combined classical Greek mythology and Disney's version, Hades being more powerful when the other Gods were out of commission, and the smaller details like giving the Thebes library connections to the Underworld and having speculation on how those connections came to pass. However, there's one place where your creativity contradicted the parts of the canon I'm under the impression you're still sticking with.

I find it plausible Hades could take Aqua's Keyblade, but even with all the powers of the Olympus pantheon, he shouldn't have been able to turn it into a Kye-Blade. Kingdom Hearts is the ultimate power, beyond even deities, and the Kye-Blade its natural counterpart. And Xehanort specifically said in one of his Reports in BIRTH BY SLEEP that anyone who fully gained the power of Kingdom Hearts would become an entity unlike anything the realms had seen before. (I'm still disappointed he didn't get the chance to become this entity as the Final Boss of KINGDOM HEARTS III. *That* would have been one epic-as-heck struggle.) Additionally, if you could create a Kye-Blade by taking all the powers of a pantheon, Xemnas wouldn't need to create twelve other Xehanorts via his artificial Kingdom Hearts and gain seven hearts of pure light to forge the Kye-Blade. He could just use the Greek pantheon somehow. So Hades being able to create a Kye-Blade causes the overall plot of this Book to not make sense. Thusly, Hades being able to create a Kye-Blade doesn't fit, and I recommend you edit this out.

Onto the next Chapter. (I've already looked at the WRECK-IT RALPH arc, then committed myself to the whole story today.)


"Imbecile! It's time you learned what a God is."-Odin
Guest Isa chapter 56 . 1/28
Regarding the platonic pair, this chapter, I feel, is a testament to how raw and lonely the pair are, Riku in particular.

The friend angle is always good, but then it quickly, sometimes too quickly evolves into romantic feelings. In this story, even though KH thrives on relationship ambiguity, in Antipode, it may very well work. Especially considering I feel Sora and Riku may have actually had this going on if Riku "won" regarding the role of the hero instead of Sora. Does that make sense?

In fairness, we did get some Kairi and Riku interaction during KH II, she was the one who identified him when he was Ansem, after all. But I agree, some more interaction between them should be in order. Even if I enjoyed the sight of Riku taking up the role as Leader of the Guardians or rather Co-leader if you factor in Mickey. I wanna see more of that Riku.

And seeing him face down Master Xehanort and Anti-Aqua, so damn heroic; I wanna see more of that side of him in the future after this particular debacle has passed.

Zettaflare in general was a huge surprise to me. I thought Xemnas attacked him with a ginormous laser technique but, no, it was DONALD who was the attacker and he blasted away TERRA-XEHANORT. I still get chills watching that scene.

As to this chapter itself:

Indeed, I noticed the Frozen 2 references. The arc's plot being decided sounds kinda ominous...I just wanna say I felt given the story's plot, and in hindsight to Kingdom Hearts in particular; Elsa's role is big to be sure, but it could definitely be bigger, if you catch my meaning. But maybe you're laying seeds for that already, but we'll come back to that later.

Jim and Delbert rifling through Xaldin's room and the notes they find. Some good exposition, especially where Kingdom Hearts is concerned. Not to mention the Trolls' role in their world. And the Keyblade's.

I can't help but notice a stronger emphasis of the Keyblade's tale in this world than others aside from the Keyblade War mentioning from Zeus plus Mickey's apparent ventures into the Arcade Games. Is that on purpose, I wonder?

Really, Xaldin knew just what buttons to push wit Amelia and seriously how in the world did he know?

"Hans" and Zexion, yeah I had a feeling those two schemers would hit it off. Hans is shooting for the top again and finds himself once more in the running with a "brotherhood" of 13. Nice touch.

Agh, Morph...

Elsa challenging Xemnas himself? Way to kick the hornets' nest.

Too bad we have to wait and find out if this isn't just the euphoria talking or not, whether or not we'll have additional Disney characters leaving their world alongside the Disney Castle bunch and the odd duck like Merlin, the Three Good Fairies or Fairy Godmother.

Elsa's strong but in a Squishy Wizard/Glass Cannon sort of way. She may yet find out just because she's practically a goddess of Ice doesn't mean Organization XIII won't have ways of bending her to their whims, scary part is that's not even including using Anna as bait. Anyone else, I'd feel pity for them going up against the Snow Queen, but the Organization? I'll admit the chances are more leveled out.

Can't wait to see the next chapter!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 56 . 1/26
Wowza! Excellent chapter! Loved it! And ooh dear! Looks like Xaldin has approached both Elsa and Riku! What will the latter duo do? And will the things that Jim, Delbert, and Morph (who’s now with Xaldin *gulp*) be a clue as to what may happen down the line? Because apparently, that journal must’ve belonged to Elsa’s and Anna’s parents, and in that journal, they mentioned the Heartless there for awhile! Hmm...

In any case, loved this a ton! Especially at how Elsa was able to "break the ice" so to speak and help Riku through his rough time (even going as far as to threaten Xemnas!). Niiice!
Guest Isa chapter 55 . 1/25
Ahh, the misspelling was on purpose...? Gotcha. I had a feeling, just saying Xaldin and Amelia didn't seem like the types.

Oh, and moreover, the floating ice fortress, another new thing that Elsa's never tried in fics I've read so far. Probably because she hasn't got an encouraging kindred spirit. Kudos.

As to the shipping of male-females, it's weird but that's today's worldview, everything practically thrives off relationships and the like, people can't have close friendships without them being shipped. Kinda ridiculous, if you ask me. I'm grateful Elsa and Riku can have that.

RiKai and Xiruk/Nami, okay fair. I'm glad to see you understand not everyone is motivated purely by romantic feelings. NOT to say I was reading under the assumption you were. :)

It's Kingdom Hearts after all, but you can only do so much to put the romance on the backburner and vice-versa.

Moving on and speaking of Kairi's character dynamic and growth:
But have you seen Re:Mind yet? I won't spoil anything but, really. I expect Kairi to only go further up the food chain. Heck, her abilities teased for her fight with Armored Xehanort were grand, but she wasn't done justice for how far she truly came.

In that same vein:

Kairi's contributing to beating Sköll? Hot damn! She is well on her way, isn't she?

Plus Donald's Giga Flare? Thank you! Donald is my favorite classic Disney character. Part of what caught my eye with Kingdom Hearts in the first place.

But really, now that Kingdom Hearts III is out, I'm even more eager to see what's in store for the Antipode series.

And I'll understand if you can't answer or not, but Frozen 2, are we gonna get any spoilers there or no? It MAY help with certain choices regarding Elsa. Just saying.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 55 . 12/31/2019
Great chapter! Loved it. Wow! Despite Anna’s slight naïveté, she’s quite right about how one should confess their feelings as soon as they can. Otherwise they may not get a future chance. Good pep talk Anna! And GO KAIRI! Don’t let anything stand in your way, stay strong, and your heart will lead you to victory!

Cough. But I digress. I really liked how you also write down the boss battle with Sköll. That was pretty insane! Crazy too! I was actually thinking at first that Sköll was a Heartless Anna for a moment and I was like...wait. That doesn’t make sense! Besides, Elsa would’ve been heartbroken and likely would fall into despair as well! Not a good combo. Lol.

But yea. This was really good. Hope to see more very soon!

P.S. Now normally, I don’t really ship Riku and Kairi, but this series has opened my eyes in a manner of speaking, and so far, if it DID happen here, I’d have no problems whatsoever! Here’s to hoping you’ll still keep Roxas and Xion together when all is said and done. Lol. And Sora still needs someone too!

See ya next update!
Regiss chapter 55 . 12/31/2019
I loved the ending to the Skoll fight! Very blood-pumping, everything from Gigaflare to falling through the sky.

The group getting split even further with Kairi running into Anna was a surprise. I hope the others aren't too worried about her. Anna and Kairi talking each other through their relationships was sweet.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 54 . 11/12/2019
O...M...G! This was a fantastic chapter! Totally worth the wait I have to say! I loved the many similarities Riku and Elsa seem to have! In fact, even though this story isn’t canon, Riku’s canon background still holds a lot of regrets either way; like Elsa. In fact, when I read their interaction, I couldn’t help but feel like they’d make a cute couple. Maybe I could make a one shot spinoff? I’ll probably have to wait till this world is over though. Lol. Speaking of, will Elsa possibly travel with the group? I know she has responsibilities as Queen, but just food for thought.

There were also a couple of things I noticed. It appears Xigbar isn’t the only one who knows about Y Xehanort. I’m a bit surprised! Looks like there’s more going on with Org. XIII than we first thought! But it makes sense seeing as Xemnas has been very cautious. And a No. XV?! Who could they have in mind for that position?

And dang! That reveal at the end! Good work! Loved it. It’s also good to see Xion still cares for her friends regardless of her situation with Marluxia and Larxene.

P.S. To finish off, I’d like to say I also enjoyed the references made. Such as Riku getting the feeling to "let it go" meaning his Darkness, the "conceal, don’t feel", and more! Well timed and just FANTASTIC! I’m already looking forward to more! So MORE PLEASE!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 54 . 11/12/2019
Yey! A new update! So long, so worth the wait! I love it!
Urquineath chapter 54 . 11/12/2019
Holy hel. I thought him was Shan Yu. This is quite the surprise.
Guest Isa chapter 54 . 11/12/2019
That ending...Would you believe I was imagining the music theme from when Tom Riddle spelled out his future identity to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets? Granted that may seem like giving Hans way too much credit, but as an Organization member? Brrr.

Jim and Xion, not exactly a match made in heaven...

"Crappy" in Kingdom Hearts? C'mon, dude, you've been doing so well regarding the KH lingo. Don't start dropping F-bombs, huh?

Riku and Elsa, however. Hot damn, you did not disappoint. They've got a big platonic thing going on, I couldn't help noticing.

It helps that Riku is more social than in the original series. Elsa is clearly still caught up in the light of her euphoria since she isn't worried about hurting Riku with her powers, I found that a welcoming change from most other Frozen fics I've read.

In fairness to Elsa's parents, the 'conceal, don't feel' quote, being a Queen at that age actually meant having to conceal feelings, what with cutthroat politics. Was it sexist, you bet, but them's were the times.

Yen Sid, Merlin and/or Fairy Godmother advising and teaching Elsa? PUH-LEASE make it happen!

Are you still maintaining the ambiguity of Riku/Kairi and Nam/Xurik?

That's one of my favorite aspects of this fic series. It's just so Kingdom Hearts, y'know?

Elsa turning her castle into a floating fortress? WOW.

Hans gives Xaldin a special comm-mirror using his attribute? Clever.

'The Superior's shadow out of time?'...Wait. WHAT? They KNOW? Do they know about the rest...? When Xemnas said our plans have changed, what precisely did he tell them...?

So the Organization wish to free Ventus, eh? Doubtful that will go as planned for them. Things are really picking up.

The Organization wants Number XV, called it.

Any Frozen 2 spoilers? Org. XIII seems to LOVE their know-how. Elsa being born with godlike ice powers may not fly with them.

Cap Amelia putting the Duke in his place, written gold.

But just a small correction, it's "Weselton." Not Weasel Town. And if Weasel Town's usage was by design, the Duke doesn't try correcting them over it being Weselton? Xaldin nor Amelia seem like the type to use Weasel Town if they knew any better. Just a small grammar note.

Lastly, is that really the last we've seen ol' Silver...?

Excellent work, as per the usual.
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