Reviews for Consequences
convolutings chapter 13 . 9/2
my god you should come back to this! you're writing is so good!
the-loststone chapter 13 . 3/16
Great story! I really hope you come back to it soon :D

Are we going to get a reveal that Gemma was the one who told the DA or whoever that Tara had intent to kill Pamela, which is what landed her in jail in the first place. That happened right? Didn't Lowen confront Gemma about it in 6x1 and Gemma threatened her...

Anyway, this is great. Absolutely love these SoA fics :D
PD1957 chapter 13 . 2/24
Please continue! Such a good story!
india-guest chapter 13 . 1/6
dukedk chapter 13 . 11/21/2019
Love the update hope there’s another one soon I really enjoyed reading the story
Guest chapter 12 . 11/17/2019
Yayy hope you update again
MickeyRos chapter 13 . 11/14/2019
Oh wow, I am so excited to see an update to this story. I completely understand being removed from SoA because the shows over and that last season was kind of mess. But, I am glad to see an update to this story however short.

Onto the chapter, Tara showed more restraint that I would at finding both Gemma and Wendy in her house. I'm glad that she changed the locks on them. Honestly, I don't know why Jax thought Tara would carry gun while on probation when she just got out! I also think it would make sense for them to have at least one source of income that is clean.

Great chapter, I look forward to your next one whenever you post it. Take all the time you need.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Yay, an update to my favorite SOA story.
tlcdreamer16 chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Glad to see an update, I’ve enjoyed this story. Can’t wait for the next one.
Gladz08 chapter 13 . 11/9/2019
Great chapter hooenyour find
Guest chapter 13 . 11/6/2019
great chapter
please update soon
jersey08 chapter 13 . 11/7/2019
So glad you updated! I love this story. I love how Tara locked Gemma out. Hope you update again soon.
Lostinsoa chapter 1 . 11/7/2019
Reread through the first 12 chapters, not because I forgot but your writing brings the story to life. And fuckin Gemma and Wendy I swear please let Jax leave the state with Tara and “the boys” ASAP
ldiaz054 chapter 13 . 11/7/2019
I reread all 12 chapters and this new one all in one sitting! Please, we need more asap! This is one of the best jax and tara ff I've read
Onedirection2013 chapter 13 . 11/6/2019
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