Reviews for Behind Closed Doors: A Portrait of the Malfoy Family
Guest chapter 27 . 7/5/2017
Very well written. Deserves more recognition than it has..
AriMalfoy1 chapter 11 . 9/7/2016
"As strange as it may be; the world does not stop without the ones we love."

I mean, wow. You floored me with that one! What an excellent writer you are :) I'm thoroughly enjoying reading this but can't help but hope that Narcissa and Lucius find a nicer way of coinciding...fingers crossed.
AriMalfoy1 chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
Great start to the story, I like the way you write. Can't wait to read more :)
Lady Reese Kightkens chapter 27 . 2/16/2016
This was an interesting read. The first several chapters were a bit stagnant and it seemed to struggle to move forward, but after that, you seemed to come into your own. I like the alternate universe and second daughter adding to the drama and conflict in Narcissa. It was refreshing to see both parties making mistakes, not just big bad Lucius. Their relationship was definitely complicated, but it was nice to see the end insinuate that they were working it out. That was much more realistic. Overall, good job.
Guest chapter 27 . 7/20/2015
I can't explain how amazing I've found this story. Well done and thank you so much.
TsukinoSora chapter 13 . 4/8/2015
I liked this chapter a lot, especially the way you portrayed Narcissas fear. I particularly liked this paragraph:"The things that had happened in the past were not forgotten, but they had not prevented them from becoming this family. They were joined forever through their children and their memories above all else." I was starting to wonder how you'd work with their relationship development given the molestation scene earlier, and I think this part really put things in perspective. I really like how important the idea of family is to both of them, and that was well described in this chapter. Thanks for the interesting read!
DyrtyLyttleSecret chapter 27 . 4/4/2015
What a wonderful story! So believable! Thanks for sharing it with us! The only thing I did not like was Draco possible love interest, I'm a die hard Dramione shipper, but that just my personal opinion. I have clicked favorite story. Thanks!
Skierunner chapter 27 . 3/30/2015
I swear I'm not crying. It's just, uh, raining. Inside. Yeah.

The only thing that felt out of place in the entire story was Narcissa's adultery, and I think that was more because of its suddenness and the lack of hints or warning before hand. Otherwise it would have fit very well into the story, especially in the end where she is forgiving herself and Lucius.

This was a good ending, brings closure while still leaving the story open and optimistic. I'm just so happysad emotional. Thank you for the story, it was a wonderful read.
Skierunner chapter 26 . 3/30/2015
This chapter was very theraputic, for the most part. I've always been partial to reunions though. I was so happy that Narcissa and Andromeda were brought back together. I knew what canon dictated about Tonks. I had still held hope that maybe Remus and Tonks would live this time.

As an aside, I had thought Kingsley's patronus was a lynx?
Skierunner chapter 24 . 3/30/2015
So the use of "faith" instead of "fate" has continuously confused me for some time. At first I thought it was a typo, but if it is, it's a fairly consistent one.

Now that I have that out of the way: What. The. Fuck. I did not see that coming. Whatsoever. Like, holy shit that came out of left field! I wasn't getting any romantic or lusty vibes from the pair at all. You justify it fairly well within the context of the story, but maybe a little bit more buildup would have been necessary for it to be solidly believable. As it is, I'm mostly just in a state of disconcerted shock.

On a different note, is it possible that Draco and Ginny are an item? I hadn't considered it before, but since crack couples seem to be a thing today, then why not? They did arrive with each other, implying that they were at Andromeda's house together. Ginny was clearly attached to Lucia, and is capable of nonverbal communication with Draco, so I think it's plausible.

Let's see if their escape works...
Skierunner chapter 23 . 3/30/2015
Not much to comment on the overall chapter, just wanted to say I approve of the name choice. It didn't pander to Harry like it did in the books, although there is still a nod to his mother (fantastic choice there). I also like the middle name. At first I thought it didn't fit well, but upon reflection, I think it fits very well into the universe of Harry Potter. Especially with a pure-blood mother! Pure bloods have some pretty outrageous names.

Very, *very* happy where everything is going right now.
Skierunner chapter 22 . 3/30/2015
Niiiiiiiiiiiice. She finally admitted that she loves her daughter. It's about damn time. Not admitting it is almost as bad as really not caring for her- they'll actually be able to have a good relationship now. And good old Sev to the rescue! I'm fairly optimistic about the outcome of everything. Kind of hoping that Lucius will die in a final act of redemption. That'd be nice, although I'd be fine with him living as well.
Skierunner chapter 21 . 3/30/2015
I haven't reviewed the past chapters because I was so eager to read the next! I had to force myself to write this one just to let you know that I'm still very involved in the story. Things have been progressing as one would expect. If I was to hazard a guess at what happens next- children escape (post-childbirth) a la Dobby. Narcissa helps in delivery but continues her charade (I think she'll still play her role in lying to Voldemort about Harry's death). Lucius is a lost cause.

But dear lord I really want to read the next chapter so I can see how Draco and Lucia are doing! And her baby. I'm thinking it'll still be called Lily/James. A different name would be more than welcome, though...
Skierunner chapter 17 . 3/30/2015
So, I'm blind to whatever Lucia is doing, but I have the *distinct* impression that she's totally falling in love with Harry. This leads to an interesting domino effect- though I am intensely glad that he is not with Ginny, if my hunch is correct. That had always seemed a forced match to me.

And speaking of forced matches! While I expected Lucia to rail (as did her parents) I expected Blaise to be somewhat enthused. Not sure why he is nonplussed, unless Lucia had already opened up to him about some of what she was doing. Or perhaps it's one of those "my best-mate's sister" deals, except where the best mate hates his sister ha.
Skierunner chapter 16 . 3/30/2015
CALLED IT. TOTALLY CALLED IT. I said she'd listen to Bella and I said she'd have to seduce Harry! Boom! Although I really shouldn't be happy about being right...

Yeah, at this point I want to read your fic for Lucia. Although if you *are* seriously considering re-writing, I might hold off. This is so good! I'm so glad we've moved on from the sad despair the story started in- this is much more my pace! Not that I didn't like your earlier chapters, it's just that these have me at the edge of my seat. I'm the eternal adrenaline junkie haha.
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