Reviews for Welcome Home
Lily chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
Poor Sasuke
berry5tz chapter 3 . 1/12/2015
This chapter was written well. But I thought it was to soon for Naruto and Sasuke to be having anything this intimate happening yet. As close as they are, the trauma of sexual assault doesn't go away that easily. It takes time. And we are talking about Oroachimaru here. The king of sexual assault and torture.

Naruto was very kind in remembering of Sasuke's past and not going further. He definitely wants to build trust between him and yeah, you did very well in this part. Over all it was good. I would just be careful with the intimacy until Naruto has fully captured Sasuke's trust that he won't be hurt. Build it gradually over a few chaps. This would be my advice.

This said ,you are the writer. And only you know where you want to go with your story. So do as you feel is needed for your story.
berry5tz chapter 2 . 1/8/2015
I think I've found a new story to love. It never ceases to amaze me. How new stories end up placed further in the search list instead of at the end of it. Or rather at the current page of recent stories. Which is why every few days I'm on the prowl scrolling through the search list for something new. This story was way down in the 1400 block if I remember right.

I love how "welcome Home" begins. I love how Naruto not only worked hard to bring Sasuke back home. But that he even went so far as to restore Sasuke's home,The Uchiha compound. Also, I like the relationship that exists between Naruto and Sasuke. I love how the feelings between them haven't died after so long.

Sasuke's return was also a pleasant surprise. Usually, he is being attacked as soon as he steps across the threshold of the village-never mind the fact that he helped end the war. And put an end to his evil ancestor. Of course, some of the people don't trust him yet. And I'm sure Sasuke will have to be some what careful. But with Naruto by his side I think Sasuke will do well. This doesn't mean there won't be some trials to go through. It just means Sasuke won't be alone anymore dealing with these things on his own.

Yes, this very good. So, yeah to the favorite list this one goes!