Reviews for My Little Bird- Blue Eyes love
FelineNinjaGrace chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Sorry, but your story is so unrealistic. The fact that the Doctor sent up a young woman to fix the dam like it was nothing (Tra la la)! Was super unrealistic. I'm sure he wants the best of the best to go up to the dam because electricity would certainly benefit him. Also, I don't care how much of a bully you are; you don't gloat over the fact that someone's pregnant mother died, and then proceed to kick them XD I mean, I understand that you needed Blue Eyes to be her hero to "strengthen their bond" or whateverm but I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the absurdity of it all. That's not realistic and NOBODY can relate to that.

Now! After beating you up a bit, I want you to know that I actually like this story. The details are wonderful and it's interesting to see where this story will lead. And I guess I can't really blame you for being unrealistic. The whole idea of Apes taking over is pretty unrealistic in the first place.
xXTinyToonzXx chapter 20 . 4/22/2018
*nosebleed intensifies*
hitoki-chan chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Hi i love your is awesome. Sorry but english its not my native languaje. So i going to write in spanish. Me gusto la forma en que describes la relacion de rain con blue eyes es algo hermoso, es un amor sincero tienes puntos que pusiste en tu fic que me agradaron como por ejemplo que todosos apes no ven diferencia de raza solo se ven como son ape, la otra parte que me encanto fue " readers have lived a thousand lives through thousands of points of views, thus they understood or had insight to many degrees of scenarios." cosa que en mi persona es verdad ... Ves el mundo de diferente forma que la gente que no tiene el habito de la lectura. En verdad me envolvio, espero que no dejes de escribir ya que lo haces bien y ahora si leere la continuacion de este gran fic.
Wolveria chapter 15 . 8/17/2017
I love this story so much so far. It's given me a lot of inspiration for writing my own PotA fic. It'll be set during War and it's a Caesar/OC fic, and it's so sweet to see his son getting some love. Can't wait to see how Rain deals with the attack on the human colony!
Wolveria chapter 9 . 8/5/2017
Lisa is Caesar's wife in the original movies, which is probably why you named her that. That's awesome, I love when the new stories are linked to the originals. Loving this story!
Tina chapter 20 . 8/2/2017
Amathys chapter 10 . 7/14/2017
Oh my I really liked the story a bit unorganized but not enough to where I was taken away from the overall plot. After watching the film this is the sort of story that took the itch of my back. I've been looking for something like this. Too bad their are seldom authors here who have written stories for it. And I simply loved how the story is COMPLETE. Lord knows I would have flipped if it was not. Anyways congratulations, I hope to see more from you in the future. :)
ShiningWingsOfTheDragon chapter 36 . 7/9/2017
I loved this story. It captivated me for at least four days. Thank you for finishing it. Though I am sad to see that this story has ended. I am also pleased that you completed it. For not many do. Great job

Now. On to the sequel!
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 36 . 5/30/2017
Yeah, no thanks. This one fic was unintentionally hilarious enough for me.

Also, if I ever review bad fanfiction online at some point to where it's on par with Bad Fanfiction Theater, this fic's already gotten a reserved spot on the waiting list. I'm sorry, but it's just a mess.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 26 . 5/28/2017
Knocked up at 18? Human hybrid baby? This is now LITERALLY the love child of Planet of the Apes and Twilight. Hope you're happy with yourself.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 23 . 5/28/2017
"Ash quirked his brow. "Am I the only one, wondering why, no one is flipping a bitch? I mean, come on! This is uncanny."

So is the idea that the word "bitch" would end up in the vocabulary Will taught Caesar that he in turn would teach the other apes.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 20 . 5/28/2017
Explicit content? I've legit seen more explicit content in a DISNEY film. If you don't want to go into do heavy detail with your sex scenes, trust me, I COMPLETELY understand, but that really wasn't explicit. It just used vague metaphoric descriptors to describe what was happening.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 18 . 5/28/2017
I... I got nothing.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 16 . 5/27/2017
"Well, my dad's recovering from a fatal gun wound and might not make it... wanna go bang in the house he grew up in?"

"Do we get to do it in his old bed?"

"Oh, fuck the Hell YES!"

...I should PROBABLY be getting to bed now.
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 14 . 5/27/2017
Again, Rain could be putting in a good word for Malcolm's team instead of doing next to nothing here. You had here doing just about anything you can think of and now you're having her do the opposite for the sake of recycling the plot in the film?
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