Reviews for Where Darkness Gathers
SupernaturalNova1981 chapter 2 . 12/8/2018
I wish you would take your stories further. This one didnt explain what the creatures were or what happened to Sam while with them or what happened to Dean n John.
AmaraRae chapter 2 . 11/23/2018
will there ever be more
AmaraRae chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
I wan't more from the first chapter please.
Alexandria M. R chapter 2 . 7/14/2017
I was just looking through my favorites, and I clicked on your profile and looked through your stories and found this.

And wow...holy shit. This was chilling. Why did I read this at 1am? This was a great story, and the story about the monsters moving between worlds through the darkness... Creepy as heck, but so creative. This could be on creepypasta, you know. It's awesome.

I hope you're doing well, friend! I miss you.
Sallyannerenee chapter 2 . 3/3/2017
Wow. Every kid's nightmare. Are you going to add to it? I'll follow just in case.
Optimorae chapter 2 . 11/18/2015
this story is great! I hope you plan on finishing it- that cliff hanger is killing me :(
One-True-Czarina chapter 1 . 4/28/2015
Oh crap! I accidentally read the second chapter first but now I understand where John and Dean are. Crap crap crap! Bring them back! Now I won't be able to look at shadows and darkness the same way! Crap! Please update soon!
One-True-Czarina chapter 2 . 4/28/2015
There better be another chapter to this! Omg! Poor Sam! Ah! Now I'm gonna be thinking about this all day! Please update soon!
Souldarkalone chapter 2 . 3/14/2015
Impresionante! estoy muy intrigada y tengo mucha curiosidad de que se llevo a Sam y que paso con John y Dean , y Bobby? Cómo Sam llegó al hospital psiquiátrico? Y porque?
Podría ser que la cosa que atrapaba a Sam podía viajar en el tiempo? y que son ellos? .
Simplemente me encanto el final de la historia pero quisiera saber si vas a continuar esto o algún tipo de secuela , ya se que dice completo pero... por favor*_* .
MysteryMadchen chapter 2 . 3/7/2015
Ok so I'm am once again amazed and super super curious as to what could be terriziong Sam and now that it's been 10 years and Sam's family is gone, the one question I have is where is Bobby? What happened to Sam in those two years before he was introduced to the mental hospital and if Dean and John were transported to an alternative reality. Thanks girl, it's a fantastic story! Nicole. :)
MysteryMadchen chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
OK so the title of this story alone is creepy fantastic. I am super excited to see just what these things are and what will happen next. You have done a fantastic job of making this nice and creepy for sure. Oh boy oh boy what is too come next, hurt Sam, traumatized Sam, and what of our two older Winchesters. Hmmm onto the next chapter I go! Thanks for a great new story Nicole. :)
Little13Silence chapter 2 . 3/7/2015
This story is going to bug me for days now, I hate not knowing, but I still knida really love this story and the way you ended it, just wish it was longer, gtlreat story, love the way you wrote it! XD
Briannon O'Hara chapter 2 . 2/28/2015
You should write more to this, it's great!
Colby's girl chapter 2 . 2/27/2015
i'm not usually into AU stories but this one caught my attention. I'm looking forward to learning what you have in store for the Winchesters.
TheFantasticLadyMax chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
Wait, was that the end? But what happened? Really good story, though.
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