Reviews for Crossroads Continued
BeeBuuzzz chapter 6 . 6/27
I’m not even halfway yet and I’m already sad this story doesn’t have more chapters. It’s great so far!
CQCullen chapter 28 . 1/17
I have recently started reading this story and have been
Obsessed with it for the last few days since I started. Looks like updates are not frequent but I’m hoping for more soon! Loving Moondoggie and Sweets, Dunny and Bob!
abbyweyr chapter 28 . 12/6/2019
Thank you for continuing this story from the contest one shot. This has been captivating. I like the outtakes being part of the story as it progressed. It was nice to see those side glimpses at the time. I've been thinking that Bella is pregnant for a lot of chapters. Accept that Mac and Rose didn't know that Bella didn't drink alcohol at all, but it was still wrong for them to let Garrett get her drunk that way. As hard as that family Christmas discussion was, it did clear the air of 8 years of hurt. Hope that Alice has finally really come around to accepting Bella and being nice. I hope Garrett goes away before causing problems. Hope that Bob does stay long enough to see Bella and Edward married.
Guest chapter 28 . 9/20/2019
So glad to have this story back! I love it...
Angelmagnet chapter 18 . 9/17/2019
For some reason this story doesn't have a lot of reviews, its a shame, such a lovely story. Pretty sure more people could use this type of good feel fanfic.
SMB1988 chapter 28 . 9/8/2019
Will you ever continue this story?
Kate1386 chapter 28 . 9/7/2019
Hmm something tells me Garrett isn’t quite finished with his little obsession
melistories chapter 28 . 9/5/2019
I'm so happy you updated! I really love this story.
i.luv.twilight2 chapter 28 . 9/3/2019
Edward is unlikely to tolerate Garrett's growing fixation on his Sweets. I'm curious to see what's next for these two. Great story!
middshel chapter 28 . 8/31/2019
I freakin love this story ! So glad ou are still working on it
Cullenosopy chapter 28 . 8/28/2019
Garrett needs to get a clue. Dick.

Thank you!
heartstrings13 chapter 28 . 8/27/2019
Aww super cute but I want to strangle Garrett. Damn him... He's going to create some trouble. Idiot
Katkel chapter 28 . 8/19/2019
I just found this story and I don't usually read WIP's unless it's an author I know who finishes their stories. I fell in love with and have binge read the whole thing! It is so good and I am hoping that you will please finish it!
sujari6 chapter 10 . 8/18/2019
I really don't like Alice. Jasper's far too good for her.
sujari6 chapter 9 . 8/18/2019
Lucky Jasper was there to stop her leaving.
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