Reviews for Shadow Turned Light
Shadow fox rose chapter 9 . 4/21/2014
wow this is a very interesting story and plot. i really enjoy it.
jkrowlingrox chapter 9 . 1/10/2014
Intriguing story!
jj chapter 9 . 7/8/2013
that was assume
Silvar Sunstrider chapter 9 . 9/17/2011
In the top chamber of the Sunfury Spire, in the Elven Capitol of Silvermoon City, Lord Silvar Sunstrider -known as the Traveller of Worlds, The Phoenix, The Crimson Prince of Mibu, among some titles - smirks after having finished Shadow Turned Light. He absentmindely shuffel through his own deck, one that he picked up years ago when he first met Yugi & Co, in one of his first Otherwordly adventures.

While having read the story, he has smirked, laughed and shaked his head at the way the charachters were written - truely a masterpiece, since while HCG-sensei managed to alter the personality of the duelists, they were still themselves at all times. Something quite hard to do, yet very satisfying once done right.

Attached to the Review is a small note:

~Thanks for the story, you have the everlasting gratitude of Eversong Forest.

Sincerely, Silvar
GoldenGriffiness chapter 9 . 8/25/2011
Loved this story, and I'll be reading the sequal as soon as I'm sone with my beta-ing duties. WOO!
TexasDreamer01 chapter 9 . 1/5/2011
*dance* finally, something that's not cliched! and it has an actual plot! XD (on the other hand, line breaks are extremely useful little buggers - despite the formatting issue seems to have with it. -_-)

Donteatacowman chapter 9 . 8/15/2010
Ooh, what an interesting story! And it's *complete*-it's so rare to find an intriguing, complex, plot-filled, tens-of-thousands-of-1ords epic fic that's actually COMPLETE. :D Great job on the fic and thank you for writing!
Navaka114 chapter 3 . 8/12/2010
I LOVE THIS BAKURA! I love this Bakura! He's so kind and sweet! Makes me just want to hug him for being so nice to Ryou!

Ahem... Sorry, fangirl moment. Just shocking that Bakura is being so nice to Ryou.

I love the storyline! I wonder what Pure Yami (Yami from Yugi's world) is doing...
Lolchen chapter 9 . 4/11/2010
Nice story, especially for a first. The idea is great, though the theory behind it could be a bit more thought out, especially the 'negative'/'opposite' part (they're not acting THAT different - see Kaiba). And the comments at the start and ending are nerve-wracking... but then, you wrote that how many years ago? There you go. Still though I'd leave a comment ;)

sweetyamiyugigirl chapter 9 . 1/20/2010
Nice Fic! I'm glad you have a blue eyes. Poor Yami, getting twisting!
Happyfish chapter 9 . 1/20/2010

you should write that! :)
Happyfish chapter 2 . 1/19/2010
dun dun dun!

update please !
magdilen chapter 9 . 12/27/2009
Good job. Its too bad you never finished the sequel, I would have totally read that next.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 9 . 9/28/2009
Well, I have to say I rather enjoyed the story. Interesting concept (creepy), fun, if dark, and well written.

I found the notes before and after the story text in each chapter extremely distracting and annoying. Just one before, or one after wouldn't bother me, but such long ones before and after every time (especially at the end)...overkill.

Still, as I said, I quite enjoyed the story. Thanks.
nupinoop296 chapter 9 . 3/23/2009
:D That was pretty freakin' great! XD

I kept coming across this story in searches and people's favorites, so I finally decided. to read it. And I must say, I'm not disappointed! :D AUTOFAVE!
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