Reviews for Born Alliances
icecold1039 chapter 15 . 10/17/2015
I really wish the chapters were longer
thor94 chapter 15 . 10/16/2015
naruto finally meet sasuke.
but we know naruto has not a single chance against him since our blonde is far weaker than his canon self (who was already weaker than sasuke)
thor94 chapter 14 . 9/14/2015
if the little cat works for sasuke he is the dumbest stupid animal ever, since the uchiha mind work as "all live being not part of uchiha clan are tools for uchiha clan".

hope naruto will be useful (as shinobi) to solve sasuke and animal village mess.
Hatty-fox chapter 13 . 8/16/2015
Your writing is very good! the style is nice and consistent, so its nice to read and flows well.
Yumi Edogawa chapter 12 . 8/6/2015
This is a great story! I started reading Born on a Border and couldn't stop. I went straight to the sequel. I can't wait to see what happens next!
thor94 chapter 12 . 7/19/2015
sure sasuke is the one who kidnapped the cat.
but i don't see how naruto could help, he is not sensor. and canon naruto was already nowhere close to sasuke strength during shippuden sasuke recovery mission, here naruto is weaker than his 12y old self. sasuke will crush him like a bug.

otherwise can't wait the meeting, just to see sasuke breaking naruto by telling him how a big failure as shinobi he become during these last three years.
thor94 chapter 11 . 7/5/2015
poor naruto.
so you removed naruto jinchuriki abilities (stamina, healing, high chakra reserve, etc)?
do you plan naruto awake some badass uzumaki bloodline or special PU to balance the loss?
or your naruto will become "the weak born without talent" guy?
if it is the last, i think you can replace your fic genre by angst, hurt comfort.
since the first chapter, your fic is almost angst or sad. barely friendship.
foxydysphoria chapter 9 . 6/9/2015
Awesome job, as per usual. Ice been following since the early days of Born in a Border, but I've just never reviewed. However, that changed today when I saw how little love this series has been getting. You did an excellent job in the first book, and this one is looking to follow an equally awesome and interesting path.

One thing you really do well, I think, is your OCs. Not only are they believable, they are well written, not over powered, and they actually contribute a LOT to the story.

On top of that, you finished the first book, which is amazing. I see too many wonderful authors start something great, then lose their muse, or simply abandon it. I myself, have fallen privy to that, it my old account is anything to judge by.

Hopefully, I'm changing that now, as my current story is progressing well. If you interested in checking it out, then feel free! If not, that's totally fine too. I'm kinda rambling now, but yeah. All in all, you're doing freaking great, and I hope you keep it up.

If you ever want a beta, or just someone to shoot ideas at, feel free to PM me. We could talk on Skype, or Steam, as well, it you like

Lucio BetaBlake chapter 9 . 6/7/2015
Why is Naruto so weak? I'm sure that wouldn't have even taken out pre-time skip Naruto. I understand you may think your being generous with Naruto even remaining conscious but Naruto is a Shinobi and a Jinchuuriki. He should be able to shrug something like that off. Or at worst he would feel it but still be able to fight by himself. Still. What's done is done. And what happened to the Iwa shinobi? I mean I don't think they were mentioned again but I may have overlooked it.
thor94 chapter 9 . 6/7/2015
unfortunately, look like my fears were true.
your naruto is fuckin weak and pathetic by himself (without kyuubi power). worse than his manga self.
sure sasuke can beat your naruto on the ground without trying if they meet.
Nzombi chapter 9 . 6/7/2015
I can't quite well remember if Naruto was like this before,I mean don't u think u made him make a fool of himself in this chapter. He was, for me at least , beyond weak , to be out of the fight in less then a minute in the fight i say not even Cannon Naruto pre-shippuden was like this. But hey maybe I'm see the wrong when there's nothing
Yuitsu chapter 8 . 6/1/2015
Hey ! I've read Born on the Border and now this practically in one time... Well, I really love it ! I was looking for a fic where Naruto is closer to Kyubi and I'm not disappointed. :)
I hope to see new chapters soon,
thor94 chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
at least naruto has a new summon contract.
hope you plan naruto obtained some new badass skills (and explaining when he learn them)
but look like this chunin exam is really easier than the first naruto taken.
thor94 chapter 7 . 5/3/2015
i would prefered a different exam not similar to the one naruto had at konoha, something more difficult for our blonde. i'am little afraid that naruto finally didn't really improve during his training and it was the reason the exam you have written was a free pass.
ShadowEndowedNiceties chapter 6 . 4/25/2015
I can't wait to read more! It's getting exciting :)
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