Reviews for Shae
denise3 chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
Hey I love this story! I haven't seen this premise before, and I look forward to see it being developed! Isn't there any chance you'd resume telling it? I'd say the two of them would defeat this enemy, then she'd go alongside him, more centered now. I'm very curious to see the way you'd get her to go with him. I'm not a big fan of conflict caused by miscommunication, it's one of the reasons I don't care much for quite a lot of romantic literature, but when she realises she *can't* tell him everything, that'll be a very good plot point! Will she replace Rose in Nine's arc?
lizharkness chapter 2 . 9/10/2017
Hope you finish this one day! It's wonderful :)
Halloween.Fanatic chapter 2 . 8/6/2015
I find this story so far rather interesting.
hope they'll be more to it soon as I am rather intriqued on finding out what happens (:
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 2 . 6/22/2015
Wish there was more. My heart goes out to 9 as well.
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
So her being there is the TARDIS's fault. But what about the fact she had a kid and family before meeting the Doctor? She better not have planned that.

11 already, then 9! You are on a role.
Almadynis Rayne chapter 2 . 5/4/2015
I dunno, I kind of like Nine like this. He doesn't have to put a brave face on for Rose. Either way though, I do like what you are doing. Keep it up!
Emmy Rain chapter 2 . 2/20/2015
*Nods* I like it. Good job
lostiesgirl chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
I have to say that I'm hooked.

I completely understand what she's going through,to an extent. The Ninth Doctor being his first day out.

I can't really say anything more, but it's an interesting first chapter.
Takara Matsudaira chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
Can I just say, wow! I love your writing! It's just so easy to understand and I can easily get lost and just enjoy... which is exactly what I did! LOLZ But anyway, I don't mind that Nine is a bit out of character. He's only hours in, in his new body, that everything is still fresh in his mind. We didn't see anything BEFORE Rose, so he can be as out of character as we want him to be, and I don't think anybody will complain. I know I won't.

I've got a question... okay, so, maybe TWO questions. Question one: Since it was Eleven that had been comforting her in the beginning, does that mean that her future self was in HIS TARDIS during that scene? And question two: When was it in Eleven's timeline that he was comforting her? (i.e. was he traveling with both Amy and Rory, or with Clara?) Of course, you don't have to answer. It's your story and all, but I'm just curious is all.

Update whenever you're ready. I'm a fellow author, so I know how updating doesn't always go according to plan. For instance, my Mighty Ducks story was published last year in February, and I only have about four chapters up. Real life... it can get in the way. I'm also a patient reader. I've been waiting for a couple of years for a certain favorite story of mine to be updated, and I'm NOT exaggerating. That's how patient I am. No lie.

Anyway, I can't wait to see what becomes of The Doctor and Shae in the next chapter! Also, can I just say, I'm happy that you chose a more ORIGINAL name than one of the more popular/common names that people are using for their stories nowadays. :) So that really made me happy.

Taka, out!
LovelyAmberLight chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
I really like your writing style. It's SOOO easy to understand, and get swept into the story. I forget I'm reading, and simply enjoy. Please post again soon.
emptyvoices chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
I'm glad this story was mentioned to me because it truly is a novelty. Your style of writing is intriguing and mysterious. I love how you started out from the perspective of the TARDIS and then evolved to a paradox involving two different Doctors and the mystery surrounding your OC. Thank you for posting this.
LovelyAmberLight chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Ok. I'm hooked. The atmosphere was perfect. It was tense. I could completely feel what she was feeling. And the Doctor was in perfect character too. He was awesome. Nicely done.I really hope you continue this.