Reviews for Auld Lang Syne
Cocoeyes chapter 1 . 8/4/2018
Love you Batman Beyond fanfics! I just got through rewatching the Batma Beyond series and wanted more of Max and Terry, lol! If you could you should do a one shot based of the Corrine Bailey Rae song "Breathless" ! Have a great day!
Telinh chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
How sweet
RyokoMist chapter 1 . 12/31/2015

First of all, let me just say - when I read the part about Max's father, that actually got an audible reaction out of me. Like, dude, I literally hollered out because it took me STRAIGHT to "I'll Be" (which you have been begging for me to finish, along with "The Ditch", I know). I absolutely loved it. I went, "GREAT MINDS, T!"

Second - Bruce. Seriously, I love when Merry writers involve Bruce, especially when he's so damn sassy. I love the sass.

Third - The way you had Terry genuinely care about Max - not romantically, but as a real best friend should - it pretty much echoed out the feelings for why there are so many people in the Batman Beyond Universe who wants/ed for Terry and Max to become a couple. It was completely natural. And I was waiting on that kiss - but at the same time, this fic was so good that I wouldn't have been mad if they didn't kiss. You could have just as well left this on a "friendship" level and I would have been 100% pleased. BUT IM STILL GLAD YOU DIDNT THOUGH! LOL

Great story! GREAT! Now i'm inspired to make my own New Year's Eve oneshot!
Liberace chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
I have so many things to say omg

1) I love Bruce and Max's relationship like so so much

2) I feel like I caught a frozen reference in there somewhere

3) I want a Terry ;-; *cries cuz doesn't have a Terry*

4) Two words. Story. Favorited.
shejams chapter 1 . 9/20/2015
Ok, I know this is long overdue, what with 2016 fast approaching. But ever since I watched the Batman: Under the Red Hood movie, I've been almost obsessed with the Batman comic fandom. The Batfamily were always my fav DC superheroes and that movie (which, imho, is the best animated DC movie of all time) rekindled my love for Bruce, Dick, Jay and company. So I rarely check out the BB fandom, only for updates on fav stories.
Today I had a taste for a good Beyond fic and you, T2, always had a knack for writing great ones. Whether it's drama, action, angsty and/or fluffy, I'm always left satisfied.
This one did not disappoint. It was awesome.
Your Terry/Max always leave me with a good feeling. What I also love about this is your use of Chelsea. I really like her. I could picture her and Max as good friends. While Blade would be a tolerated acquaintance, I believe that Chelsea would have more in common with Max (even more than with Dana), being that they're both risk takers. Kudos to you for that. Max needs more friends to care about her.
And my fav part this story is Bruce's "reluctant" fondness and worry for the girl:
"I tracked her phone."

"Wait. You said that you weren't going to."

"I changed my mind."

"But, how could you track it? It's off."

"She turned it on for about a minute. I tracked where she was when it was on last. That was about a half hour ago."

"How did you know her phone was on? What? Did you have a constant tracker on it to be ready for when it came back on?"


Terry was flabbergasted. "Why?"

"Call it curiosity. That and you won't shut up about it."

"Are you sure that's the only reason?"

"Look, it's past midnight and there isn't really that much happening right now. Chances are nothing else will. See if she's there and make sure she's okay."

Terry smirked. "Didn't know you cared."

"Just do it."

Terry paused. His smirk turned into a full blown smile as he realized something. "You really like her, don't you?"

"Drop it."

"Alright, alright. Headed out."

So it's all cannon. We all know Bruce, deep, deep down liked her. Max's personality is almost exactly like all of his "kids". Stubborn, selfless, sarcastic and not afraid to stand up to him if necessary with a caring, strong sense of justice. She'd have made a perfect Robin.
Lol Sorry, Max, but it's true.
Well, T2, thanks for another great one. Loved it!
AniGirl 7 chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
Lovely one-shot and Happy New Year! :-D
chocolate1 chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
Hey I forgot to say I hope your Christmas was wonder and your New Year started off with a bang!

T2 Angel I can say that you are really a tease and you have me thinking about these stories and I'm wishing for more and definitely more than a one shot. I recall a story that either Libra or some author was writing regarding Terry and Max being married and that person never finished it. Now that's the type of story I'm wishing for in 2015.

As for this story, Bruce always has a pulse on the situation even if he pretends that its not his intention :) Max has some of the crappiest parents and look when her dad calls her to share the "wonderful" news talk about a year later. I'm sure Max is always embarrassed to share this side of her life with Terry but I'm glad he went to find her and he got her to open up. He showed her that she's not alone and they will always have each other's back no matter what. That kiss sure made an impression. Dang Max being the one requesting it too ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
Excellent once again. Let me just say I love these stories that you do and the frequency in which you do them. You are one of the very few that still does Terry/Max stories and I wholeheartedly thank you for that. I can't wait to see what you crank out next! :)
jtdarkman chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Wooohooo. Bring in the new year with a kiss from a scorching hot woman oh yea lol. GREAT job on this story pulled the heart strings a little lol. And the movie reference if its what i think it is i like that movie but cant stand the songz lol heard them waaaay tooo much any way great ride see u next time
Watership's Nightwish Rat chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
This is awesome! It's always interesting to see possible instances in Max's life. I'm lucky that my parents haven't gone through a divorce, but I can imagine how hurt poor Max must feel... AND how shocked she'd be with her dad! Thank goodness for Bruce being on board at letting Terry find her. I love the Frozen reference in this. (Funny thing is, I was singing "Let it Go" this morning. LOL)

I read this last night, but I didn't review then because I was too tired to leave a more insightful review by he time I got done reading it; I've had to keep an eye on my rat Bruce because he had surgery last week and keeps going after his stitches. That being said, I decided to re-read it today and review. :)

I look forward to reading more stories of yours! :D