Reviews for Treading Water
Haru Niven chapter 25 . 7/18
This story is so beautiful and unforgettable. The plot may have been used many times, but the way you tell your story is nothing short of amazing. I love the way you write. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Haru Niven chapter 18 . 7/18
This chapter is perfect
beautifulkarmaqueen chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
I can definitely relate to this! I work with people like this!
Lazuli Silverwing chapter 22 . 1/29/2016
I've actually read this entire fic, but I'm choosing to leave my review here because this is my favorite chapter. When Sheldon explains how he knows that Amy loves him, I got teary-eyed because those were my reasons for loving the Shamy (to be more accurate, I loved the Shamy but didnt really ask why, then I read this fic and found myself relating to Sheldon's reasons). Anyway, your fic made me love Sheldon (the number of times I clutched my chest and said awww! The number of times I was possessed by the desire to offer Sheldon a consoling hug!), Amy, and Sheldon AND Amy even more than I already did. Amazing. I was also very impressed by your insight into OCD and psychotherapy. It kind of made me wonder if you worked in a similar field. Anyway, I would like to end by saying that this story is the best thing I've read in a long time, and I am so grateful that I found this story while trawling through someone's favorites list!
Guest chapter 25 . 12/27/2015
Beautiful story! Such awesomeness, much wow!
Guest chapter 25 . 12/27/2015
Just finish reading this lil' gem and instantly love it!
Guest chapter 25 . 12/21/2015
Amazing fic! Love it!
Guest chapter 20 . 12/18/2015
Poor Sheldon :( Oh well it bounds to be out sometime, but him going to a therapist is a brave move!
Chip chapter 25 . 12/18/2015
That was awesome.
Guest chapter 25 . 12/18/2015
What a fantastically emotional story! Im glad I found it, you're a great writer!
bluebird chapter 25 . 11/21/2015
I'm speechless, this whole story was just amazing! Your writing is beautiful, flawless to be honest. The way you presented Sheldon's character, just wow. I'd like to write something constructive, but I'm just so blown away with this. I don't think I've ever read so beautifully written, detailed and touching fan fiction. All I can say is thank you for writing this. I hope you don't stop writing, because clearly you've got talent.
deborah.beatty chapter 4 . 11/15/2015
I'm loving the story, but the sequence of baking the cookies is off. You had Sheldon put the icing on the cookies before they were baked. The sugar in the icing would burn and the cookies would be ruined, wouldn't they?
Guest chapter 20 . 10/22/2015
Screw you and your cliffhangers. Oh wait, I'm reading this when it already has 25 chapters.
4447777 chapter 25 . 9/2/2015
heyy just wanted to say i've read all 25 chapters in 1 evening (couldn't stop although i was supposed to be working xD) and i loved it so much! I love love love how you make Sheldon so IC, it's so AMAZING, there are some great sexy stories out there but in many of those Sheldon is sooo OOC it's hard to read, and in yours he's so in character, so HIM , but at the same time he's maturing and growing, but at the same times stays himself, and it's just so realistic and wonderful... I also love how you keep him so innocent and shy and don't turn him into some sex-crazed guy :P But at the same time keep the hotness...
Sorry for too much euphoria, just really really loved your story :D
PS voted for you in the FanFic awards!
Emmi92 chapter 4 . 8/15/2015
And again: What have i gotten myself into... but i'm not just addicted by now, i love it! And i love that this i complete and that is saturday and that i can read all day. Just the dogs have to go outside later, but that is okay. i love walking with my dogs and think about fanfics ;) i can't help me...
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