Reviews for cursed souls and dead hearts
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
This is a short story, but it is my favorite. You are amazing. This is gold. Thank you for sharing
1755 chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
"Blacks died young, or they died mad, or in some cases they died bloody." Right off the bat, I love this. An unusual sentence, certainly, but it sets the tone, and I really liked it. I also enjoyed that you capitalized Family, because dark purebloods always put the concept of "family" first, even if their definitions and priorities regarding family are much different than others'.

I thought it was interesting how you portrayed different degrees of belief and evil, if you will, from Sirius and Andromeda to Regulus, Narcissa and Walburga, to Bellatrix. Well done.

[instead just slap him] - should be "just slaps him"
Don't get to close chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
This is an amazing story. It's very original and beautifully written
wujy chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
I think this is a very interesting side of this story to tell, and you've clearly given it some thought, but I think this story suffered a little from being written in present tense. It's easy, with present tense, to write a re-telling of events rather than a full story, and in the case, it makes the piece feel a little disjointed and abrupt. I find myself wanting more details.

What I really like here, though, is the way you've written this as an anthology, with each section telling a separate story from a perspective we haven't seen before.
Laser Lance 720 chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
This was insanely beautiful. I adore the whole idea of this curse. It fits the family oh so well.
Your characterization for each of the characters was so well done. They each fit their characters but you brought a new light to them. It was all fantastic.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
I love this so much. I love Black-centric fics and it shows my favourite Blacks of all - Bella, Sirius and Regulus. They are all cursed, the ones who died while trying to deviate from the path that their family had mapped for them. Sirius was the blood-traitor and he lost it all to Peter. Regulus had obeyed and right when he realized that it was wrong, he dies. Bella had always been headstrong and she died fighting for what she believed in. Andromeda deviated but she lost her new family after already losing her old. Narcissa is the last one who obeyed all the rules but she is alone (and came close to losing her family as well).
Great job. I love this. Fav!
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
That was so insanely brilliant. Where did you come up with this idea? It doesn't matter, I still love it. I love the heart and soul you pour into your writing that makes it so dark and haunting and beautiful. You have a wonderful way with words and the poetic smoothness of your stories are fantastic. I love the way you focused on the two halves - the legends, and it coming true - and the three blacks in each section.
Such a fantastic story. Great job!
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
I can't even tell you how much I loved this and I can't even get the words to express how much!
I love the curse. In fact I was hooked on the first section of this alone! They were Demon's kin so were cursed by Demons. Thats why darkness was important.
I always see some darkness in Sirius. The way he treated Snape from the start for example. He was light, but not completely light.
The sisters trying to tell themselves that they weren't dark, but Bellatrix knew better. She knew what she was and she didn't care about the curse if there was one, she just accepted how dark she truly was.
And the last line it just... I can't even explain. This is just amazing!
Ralinde chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Oh, this was beautiful! I really like the idea of the Blacks being cursed, it does fit in with what we know of them, with half of them going mad or dying very young or bloody or all of that in the same person. I think this is going to be one of those in-the-back-of-my-mind-headcanon-things for the Black family.
You've portrayed the three cousins well, with the way each of them tries to escape the curse but of course never succeeding. Each of them had their distinctive voices and I'm having a hard time deciding which of the three I liked best, Sirius, Regulus or Bellatrix. Which of course is a good thing! So, very well done on a beautifully structured piece.
public static void chapter 1 . 1/17/2015
Interesting idea, to have the Black family cursed. It certainly is possible, given how many of them had violent deaths.
Your characterization is perfect, and I specially loved the introspection of Bellatrix and what she thought of Narcissa and Andromeda. Also, how Regulus could recognise the madness in Sirius is great.
Need an account chapter 1 . 1/17/2015

I like fic. It has a good basic premise. There are some very well-written, neat sentences in here and the structure (every Black stating their own opinions) was clever.

However, it did become somewhat tedious. The streams of consciousness are always interrupted by the narrator (I'm assuming) emphasising that the curse is very mysterious. It's unnecessary.

The story is beautiful; I personally did not feel that you needed to repeatedly mention how tragic it is. Regulus studying the curse? That idea is made of pure win. And the execution was flawless (IMHO). Your characterization of Sirius made me like him. You made me like Sirius. I don't know whether to send you death threaths or love letters.

Regardless, I felt like I was /liking/ something that I should have been running to show everyone I know. I feel that, with just a little bit of work, this will be a really wonderful story.
CUtopia chapter 1 . 1/17/2015
I just watched "Black Swan" and somehow this story seems to fit by coincidence - like, madness creeping in... ;)
Wow... I really like the thought of the Blacks being cursed, it definitely fits the family's history :D
I could not stop reading throughout the story, you have a great way to describe things, to dwelve into the people and capture how they feel and think about this situation!
I find it hard to describe how good you worked your way through this! I loved to read it, it was wonderfully fluent! :)
singing-along chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
Brilliant idea and beautifully carried. I'd always thought that there was something interesting about that family. Great flow and wonderful style! Everyone was really in character and it gave a fresh view on the "darkness" of the Blacks. Great work XP
DarkIceAngelFlare chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
This was... I have no words for it. I just love it. So so so much.
You wrote each of these characters really well.
My favourite line is "As it turns for it." UNDERSTATEMENT much? xD Also, "the madness creeps in..." made me shiver. And that line for Sirius "He's laughing because he can't cry" (TT-TT). It's such an elegant line because it suits him so well and makes your heart clench when you think of how misunderstood he is.
Really, loved this so much!
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
This was an interesting idea, that whole family was cursed by a demon. You seem to have a good handle on the characters' personalities. Interesting bits of introspection, expecially the bit about Regulus.

The last sentence is beautifully worded and closes the fic perfectly.


[pouring on dusty books] - poring through them is probably what you meant here.

[Bellatrix that if there ever] - you're missing a verb here. Probably "thinks"?
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