Reviews for Awkward
NeoStarReset chapter 2 . 6/28/2016
Bolin in a precious cinnamon roll and I loved every single thing about this story
Raulleal chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
This is like, really sweet, and great! Really loved the story, even though I now wish that there was more works with Asuna on them, and like... the whole story was bigger, oh well. I really don't tend to review that much... But I really think this one was great, and it deserved an extra review, hope to see more of your stories.
mutedsymphony chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Thank you SO MUCH for writing this!

I'm a huge Bolin fan and am super depressed that there aren't enough fics out there for him! Your oneshot was amazing and I was giggling like a maniac throughout most of it. So glad I'm alone right now, cause I'm sure my face is beet-red!

If you ever decide to write a sequel or even a longer story featuring Bo, I'd be more than happy to read! You're a great writer!
EvilLordKane chapter 1 . 12/31/2014
Great fic. And i agree Bolin doesn't get enough love around here.