Reviews for Both of Us
HOAluver15 chapter 4 . 2/13/2015
Dancing Through Daisies chapter 4 . 1/22/2015
A gigantic smile is currently on my face and I do not think it will ever leave :D THIS WAS THE GREATEST STORY IN THE HISTORY OF STORIES AND I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU WERE MY SECRET SANTA! I am so overwhelmed with joy and happiness and cheer and elation and every other adjective to describe feels :)

I liked the tension in the beginning. I thought it was super appropriate for what happened last chapter and I thought that it made Eddie and Patricia truly realize that something was off in their lives because of their decision to avoid one another. I liked how you wrote that "neither were necessarily ready to confront the other about it either" when discussing the almost kiss. That is so totally them, so in character, that it hurts :) They could have been happier earlier if only they communicated! Oh Peddie :)

Nick and Zack are precious little angels that luckily inherited their parent's love and talent for scheming. They were outstanding throughout the entire story! Well done!

I squealed out loud when I read Patricia and Nick were going to be evicted. I was all like "they're going to move away and Peddie won't happen and everyone will be sad and I will be sad and ugh!"


That scene was completely brilliant! I loved every moment of it - I reread it like ten times! The ending was probably my favorite part. It wrapped everything up so nicely and your syntactical devices at the end were so on point :)

The last line: "He didn't know it then, but they turned out to be one hell of a family."

PER-FECT! I just love happy endings :) Girl, you seriously have an incredible talent for writing. You captured the essence of Peddie and created a magnificent plot and world for this AU. You are one of my absolute favorite authors on the site. Thank you so much for creating such a spectacular AU for the Anubis Fandom. Thank you for putting so much effort into my Christmas gift :) I could not have asked for anything better :)

Looking forward to more by you! Have a fabulous day :)
Got2LoveFandoms chapter 4 . 1/21/2015
AAAWWWWWW OMG that was an amazing ending! SO CUTE!
Like everything about that was perfect. How sneaky Nick and Zack were being, how the eviction brought them together... adorable. Well done :)
Guest chapter 4 . 1/20/2015
Awesome! Finally you updated this story. I was thinking you have forgotten about it.
ninja-of-books chapter 4 . 1/20/2015
Omergerd what a great ending to an amazing story :)
onceuponatimefan1 chapter 4 . 1/19/2015
Amazing... So now I guess this story is completed. Such a great story.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/10/2015
Are you going to post the last chapter soon? You had said at the end you would be back tomorrow but it's been a while :( this fic is so amazing and I'm dying to read the end!
Got2LoveFandoms chapter 3 . 12/28/2014
AHHH they were so close! I loved how they finally opened up to each other though and shared all those stories. I was surprised at Patricia ever dating Mick though lol (I'm assuming). And poor Nick, hope he feels better. Can't wait for the next part :)
Guest chapter 3 . 12/28/2014
This story is so good. It's been a long time since there was a good story here
onceuponatimefan1 chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
Poor Nick. Hope he does feel better. OMG! Eddie and Patricia were about to kiss. Can't wait to read the end of this story.
Dancing Through Daisies chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
This was probably my favorite chapter so far!

Can everyone who is following this story just take a moment to appreciate how extremely well you portray Peddie? You have kept them so totally in character - you could write the scripts for the show! :) I know it can be tough staying in character, especially in AUs, but you have got their characterization and relationship dynamic down perfectly. They are slowly becoming friends but they're still a little hesitant and snippy with each other. It is SO incredibly accurate that my heart is going to explode with happiness :) Great, great work!

My favorite line of the whole piece:
"Tell you what, after I take the boys, I'll offer you my assistance-"
"Wow, my hero," Patricia interrupted sarcastically.
"-and all you have to provide is the beer."

That is probably one of the most Eddie Miller-ish sounding things EVER! I thought it was cute and super fun and I loved how Patricia let him help her unpack! And I loved how he went and bought pizza. It's like they were having a date without realizing so! :)

The whole time they were together, unpacking boxes and telling stories from back in high school, was so amazing. I was even feeling a little nostalgic, especially when you wrote about scenes that happened in the show. I miss HoA too much. This was a reminder to why I had fallen in love with this ship and the show :)

I really liked that they were both comfortable enough to talk about their past partners. They are growing closer by the minute! I shall be honest: I was not expecting the father of Nick to be Mick - oh my gosh, I just typed that out AND REALIZED THAT THEIR NAMES ARE JUST ONE LETTER OFF! Ah, I love it! :) :) It makes a lot of sense now! :) And I was thinking along the lines of Willow being Zack's mother? I got that vibe when Eddie talked about how "she'd never grow up," and that she was "kind of crazy." She was the first character to pop into my mind. Wow, I never imagined of a Weddie (willow/eddie) ship! O.o Anyways, I enjoyed that you made the kids' other parents character from the show and not OCs. It just made it feel more like HoA in a sense :)

PEDDIE WAS SO CLOSE, SO CLOSE TO SHARING THEIR FIRST KISS AHHHHHHHH! SO CLOSE YET SO FAR AWAY! Hopefully they'll realize they're perf for one another soon because it is killing me softly :) I just love em so so much... :) I think you ended it at a good time - you have definitely left me wanting more!

Once again, I've left another really long review. One day I'll get straight to the point! I had so much to say because this was such a phenomenal chapter. I'm sad that it'll end soon, however I must find out what will happen next! Thanks for yet another wonderful chapter! :) Can't wait for the last update :)
inactive forever babe chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
Awwww yisss. Love this story omg
StylishFashionista chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
I can't believe I just found this now; it's amazing! Can't wait for more!
Got2LoveFandoms chapter 2 . 12/26/2014
Awww, this is really really good! I like AU stories. Love how Peddie met through their sons, and they have the whole rivalry thing and now they're warming up to each other. Love it. Can't wait to see the rest of the story! Great work :)
natthatfangirl chapter 2 . 12/26/2014
This story is adorable! I love the tie ins with the show, like coming up with Yacker. It's so clever and so cute. Can't wait for more!
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