Reviews for Six Bullets for Christmas
yogiritu2004 chapter 4 . 12/28/2019
this was awesome
MissScorp chapter 4 . 12/24/2019
Hi again! Ah, Bruce’s nightmare comes to life here. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire scene, wondering if the dream would come true or if Bruce would get there in time to help him. There are differences, of course. Dick didn’t get shot six times. He’s still in a critical spot, though. Loss of blood is loss of blood, don’t care who you are (okay, maybe Superman can stand losing a pint or two better than Nightwing but he’s Superman).

Tim is so adorable here. I can imagine him humming with excitement over riding Nightwing’s cycle back to the cave. It’s something any teen would thrill at (given how illegal it is lol). Bruce is still Bruce, though, and has already had one son get himself in trouble so he orders Tim to head straight back to the cave (no joyriding for Robin!).

The end is sappy and definitely d’aww worthy with both saying I love you and Dick calling him Dad. It’s something that hasn’t happened since Dick was 15, and makes it more powerful that it does now. It says they've gotten over their troubles and are a family again. Just took a nightmare and bullets to do it heh

Wonderful story! Happy Holidays!
MissScorp chapter 3 . 12/24/2019
Hi again! Whoa, we get Batman, Nightwing, and Robin in one chapter? Ka-Ching! Christmas jackpot! Of course, Nightwing has a better plan for blowing a hole in a ship than getting into arctic waters and suffering Alfred’s lectures about deserving hypothermia. I could hear the grin in his voice, too and knew that he was about to blow up something lol boys and their toys. This does remind me of a scene between Nightwing and Batman where he tells him that what he misses most are the toys. Guess he found a new one to play with ;)

This was a lovely, action-packed chapter that didn’t disappoint. Very nice job!
MissScorp chapter 2 . 12/24/2019
Hi again! Oh, these yahoos. I swear sometimes you want to brain them and others hug them. They’re so different in ways but similar at the same time. Dick is more capable of expressing his emotions and gives out hugs (and maybe blood lol) more willingly and readily but he can also be just as closed emotionally as Bruce at times, too. Dick being worried Bruce must have a concussion or is somehow a clone made me chuckle. I can imagine any of them being concerned with Bruce suddenly admitting his feelings lol

Ah yeah, the dynamic duo is back in action next chapter! Can’t wait!
MissScorp chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
Hi there! Oh man, my heart stopped thinking that this was real until you revealed how it was just a dream. A horrible, horrible dream. This is every parents worst nightmare. Especially those who have children in the military, working as cops, firefighters, even EMS (since they can be caught in the crossfire). Even parents of doctors that work in war torn areas are faced with things like this. That message that says your son or daughter has been shot. That they’re dead. For Bruce it’s twofold because Dick is a police officer and crime fighter.

I love that you touch on the discord between Bruce and Dick here. It’s something I read when I started reading comics and that many people tried to downplay. It was a big issue at the time and caused some hard feelings between them until they resolved it (and moved past it). Bruce confessing his feelings as Dick bled out in his arms was gut-wrenching. Now, if we can get him to do it while awake would be progress ;)

Very nice start! Looking forward to seeing where this goes next!
Loftcat27 chapter 4 . 6/18/2019
This was really sweet! One thing that struck me though was that Nightwing left his blood all over the crime scene. This was really touching though. Thanks.
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 3 . 2/25/2019
Full house with Tim and Dick? Aww proor Jason, always left out...
Bogorm123 chapter 4 . 9/21/2017
This is amazing! Love it! Great work.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/17/2017
This was absolutely beautiful! Bruce being so worried about Dick made my heart break! I love the way your write, please write more!
Hope chapter 1 . 9/16/2017
That was mean. I actually cried when Dick stopped breathing. I had already told myself that if you didn't bring him back I would hate you. I thought the ambulance would be able to get his heart started again or something. Then Bruce woke up. I wanted to reach right into my phone and strangle you. Even though I hated it, I have to admit that for a death scene it was really well written. Just, try not to traumatize me again. Dick's my favorite character.
Bob Schlobohm chapter 4 . 3/8/2017
Good action! Didn't kneed a lot of tissues. Congrats. Thank you, Bob
Fandomsaremyvice chapter 4 . 2/2/2017
Just kidding! Disregard my previous review! I am completely oblivious. I didn't notice that there was a fourth chapter.
Fandomsaremyvice chapter 3 . 2/2/2017
So, it's been almost two years since you last updated. I hope you're planning on posting the ending to this. I understand if you're not. Life happens and-like I said-it has been two years, and I wouldn't be surprised it you've forgotten where exactly you were going to go with this. I would really appreciate it if you did update, though. I'm incredibly interested in what you had planned to happen. Plus, cliff hangers kill me.

I've read some of your other stories as well, and I absolutely loved them. Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/24/2016
Ooh I'd love to read the story of when he called him dad in the midst of a fever. I'm a sucker for h/c, honestly.
Great writing and captivating plot as usual!
Loved it
Bob Schlobohm chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
I don't think I could stand pure fluff either. Off to read Scooby or something. Bob.
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