Reviews for Can't Go On
LavernaG chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Wow. This was deep. I loved it. :)
msariadneoliver chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
This is such a well-done and very heart-wrenching insight into Gloria's perspective. She was so underutilized in Freakshow (and Frances Conroy, in general, is criminally underrated), but honestly, she was so loving and delicate and I think you captured that perfectly. Honestly, all your AHS fics are aces, you've really got a knack for writing believable characters that are both flawed and sympathetic all at once. I'll try to review more specifically when I've got the chance. :)
Blurred Memories chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Yeah, she really loved him... The way you portrayed their mother-son relationship is very accurate and faithful to the show; good job!
darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 9/30/2016
Ah, this was a great story. As frustrating as her parenting skills were, I always felt for Gloria. She loved Dandy so much, and all she wanted was that love returned. Had he not been a psychopath, she might have had that, but we can't always have what we want.

And you really portrayed their relationship perfectly... Gloria as the mother who loves so much, almost too much and Dandy as the ungrateful, apathetic, psychotic son. They're both wonderful, tragic characters in their own right. And because she loves her son so, she realizes he's too far gone for anyone to help him. She doesn't have the skills and is at such a loss. The only logical thing now is to take life the way she gave it.

Ah, but this isn't quite Dandy's story here. It's Gloria's, and true tragic characters must always die. We know what happens to Dandy later, but again, this is about Gloria, and Dandy was one step ahead of her on this front. I do love how she's worried about him killing himself. We all knew that wasn't his plan to begin with, but it was always so sad how delusional she was. I don't think the thought of Dandy using the gun on her ever entered her mind until that last second.

And even after she's shot, she can't bring herself to say an unkind thing about him. I love how you keep the delusion going. That's exactly how she would have been. Had this been Murder House or even Hotel, we might have gotten more of a glimpse of her in the afterlife, but I don't think she'd have changed, even in death.

For concrit, I noticed a few missing commas and such, which you'll see below.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed this piece. Well done! :)


And then she had Dandy; an unplanned son.-A semicolon should only be used to join two complete sentences together, so a comma would be correct here instead.-And then she had Dandy, an unplanned son.

Lord how Dandy resembled his father—Lord, how Dandy resembled his father

"Please Dandy," she begged-"Please, Dandy," she begged

without regret; without hesitation.-without regret, without hesitation.
Rjoy11 chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
This is sad. You see, I used to bad mouth Ms. Mott; She was my example of how rich parents mess up their kids. Now, I feel terrible. She really loved her son.

This hits closer to home when you think about it: Constance was in sort-of the same position with Tate. And (*spoiler*Iris kills herself because Donovan, the son she loves, tells her she's a bad mother*spoiler*).
NotMarge chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Oh wow! This was a excellent into Gloria's last moments. The way you showed her clarity at the very end . . . *chills.
Great job!