Reviews for The Stars Rained Down Like Embers
Lyfetime chapter 21 . 9/17
Hope this finds you well! I love this story so much, I found it earlier today and read the entire thing already. Very much looking forward to the next chapter! I would have more input for the review except this week has been terrible and making a structured review at midnight is proving rather difficult. Let me know if there's any perspective questions I can answer as a reader!
HidanFangirl chapter 21 . 7/24
Fuck yes I'm so glad you updated, I always loved this fanfic and I was sooooo happy to see more! It's always been one of my fave in this fandom.
usernamejoon chapter 21 . 7/21
Oh my, i waited so long, i am so happy that you are back!
I think i am going to re-read this while i patiently wait for updates hahaha
Keep up the amazing work 3
BrokenxRebel chapter 21 . 7/20
My goddess... you updated... my relief is palpable. Thank you, dear, for returning to this work! It's beautiful as always! I waited for so long and didn't think it could happen, and yet here you are, making my week!
Leukonoe chapter 21 . 7/17
Oh my God! (and all stars!) it's so surprisingly awesome to see new chapter of this story! And it's still absolutely beautiful the way I remember. Walcome back! :)
DragonsFlame117 chapter 21 . 7/10
I’m so excited that this story has been revived! Loved this chapter.
StarGoldFang chapter 21 . 7/10
Welcome back to the World of te Living!
Star Slightly chapter 21 . 7/6
Not be me emotional, but I’ve followed your story for so long and recently reread it a few times in the last couple months. I for sure thought you weren’t coming back to it so I was content just sitting and rereading it over and over again since it was so nicely written. But I’m so glad you took the time to return to it and your muse has come back. I really missed this story and it’s such a wild coincidence you came back to it just when I convinced myself it wouldn’t be updated anymore. Much love, hope to hear from you soon. - Star
Sepulvedlore chapter 21 . 7/6
I will have to read the whole thing again to remember all the details so I won't be able to read the update yet but I'm REALLY happy that you have updated after all this time!
Callian31 chapter 21 . 7/6
I guess he wants the stars too rain down like embers, then?
Guest chapter 21 . 7/5
Amazing! Love this story and so happy to see a new chapter!
honeyMellon chapter 21 . 7/5
OMG YOU ARE BACK! I have truly missed this story. So glad to see an awesome update today. Thanks so much!
Cerulean Twin chapter 21 . 7/5
great chapter!
PandaHat97 chapter 21 . 7/5
I'm so excited! I kid you not I just finished rereading Embers (for what felt like the 100th time) a few days ago! So I was flabbergasted and crossing my fingers this wasn't a "discontinued" author's note.

Love the chapter! Grimmjow learning and reaching out for Pantera is a nice treat. Ichigo's wish being impossible? Well we all know Ichigo is good at beating the odds.
knight-quest chapter 21 . 7/5
Oh my god. Thank you so much for updating the story! I got the notif in my mail and I was like wait what is this what I think it is and was lowkey freaking out for 10 minutes. Excellent continuation, thank you again, and now I'll go and roll around in bed...
(Also grimmjow messing up the other gods' shrines is a mood. Eff them :c)
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