Reviews for Split
AngelinaPriorincantatem chapter 8 . 5/13
This is an amazing story... I am glad I find it, glad I read it and eaven gladder you shear it!
Thank you so much!
PaleandBroodingsGirl chapter 8 . 8/15/2018
bravo! well-written! i loved the plot! unique plots are the best! great job!
CNova chapter 2 . 12/29/2017
CNova chapter 2 . 12/29/2017
9o9k j9
bright places chapter 8 . 12/9/2017
such a fun story. thank you
MotekElm chapter 8 . 9/6/2017
this is just crazy. a very fun read.
ljup chapter 8 . 7/23/2017
Love! All of your stories are wonderful, but this may be one of my favourites
BoredRavenvlaw620 chapter 8 . 3/27/2017
So great! A wild ride! Definitely worth the read.
Dracohasmycat chapter 3 . 2/7/2017
Oh sweet baby Merlin I love this. It's so damn brilliant
Kayxbear chapter 8 . 7/11/2016
This was such a sweet and funny story! I very much enjoyed reading it
Guest chapter 8 . 6/11/2016
Oh my, this story's been so much HEAVENLY, I can't even... oh, God.


Beautiful, really.
4thkage chapter 8 . 11/18/2015
i miss the brave and bold Hermione...

but anyway...luv the story...
4thkage chapter 2 . 11/18/2015
wow...i'm a big fan of Hermione another half...
she's so noty and sexy...
she speaks whatever she want...
it just motivate a good way...hehe...

big fan!
AnnaOxford chapter 8 . 10/15/2015
AnnaOxford chapter 6 . 10/15/2015
Wow, that's some serious stuff.
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