Reviews for Bits and Pieces - Eruri Drabble Collection
Kimmylolil chapter 2 . 3/28/2017
That last part was adorable! Can you do a prompt starting with the word tea? Thanks!
fabulous sun chapter 2 . 6/24/2015
Although this hasn't been updated for some months, I sincerely hope you haven't abandoned this story yet... I've discovered it just now, and I honestly can't tell which one I like better. Both have such a great way of characterizing Erwin and Levi while still drawing the reader in with their sensuality. And you put in these little details (like Levi sleeptalking about something entirely trivial) that just stick the story into the mind of the reader.
It's a lovely read - I'd hate to see the end of it already!
Sweet-Michi chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
It is pretty awesome what you can do with 500 words.
Writingone chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
I freaking love this. I don't even ship this but you're making me want to aha! So beautifully written!