Reviews for Harder to Hide
felesseta chapter 17 . 8/11/2018
I love this story! I think you made them playful and fun while still maintaining the passion and their egos. I love my Vegetas virgin or almost so, and I think you did a great job with the sex. Believable without being too smutty. Great job!
DBZBV1991 chapter 17 . 1/30/2018
I almost died this morning waking up because of the little sleep I had...but I needed to read your story! It was such a treat! I love everything about it. I love your Bulma and your perspective on who cheated, I love Vegeta (he is soooo hot), I love their interaction and wowza those lemony moments are burning! All in all a perfect story!
ACorf chapter 17 . 8/25/2017
Very well done. Thank you for the story.
ThoseWhoLiveWithoutLove chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
You absolutely have to write a sequel to this!
Lucibaza chapter 17 . 7/28/2016
Loveeee it soooo muuuuuch! The way you write is lovely, fun, easy, smart, perfect fanfic i'm gonna go and check your profile to read more of your stories greetings from México!
missmocha77 chapter 17 . 5/11/2016
This was a really fun read. Thank you for writing this!
Astral Dragon Spirit chapter 17 . 4/18/2016
Wow. This fic was great. I loved it. I don't think I've read many, if any, fics where Bulma is the cheater; it's usually Yamcha. But that aspect didn't deter me at all. And it added a great aspect of fun with Vegeta teasing her and helped build up his jealousy. Anyway, I really enjoyed this fic and I look forward to any other V/B fics you may write.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
GREAT story! Vegeta may have been OOC like some people said BUT it was a cool OOC cause it wasn't like other stories that he completely turns into a Disney Prince Charming haha. Good job!
SunsetSovereign chapter 6 . 12/27/2015
I really liked the line about Bulma practically being on Namek in the bed. XD
Spellweaver10 chapter 17 . 11/24/2015
Amazing story. I loved each and every chapter. The writing was flawless even if I found Vegeta a little OOC.
The only thing I disliked was Bulma cheating om Yamcha. Other this is an excellent fiction that goes to my favorites.
Guest chapter 17 . 10/23/2015
What a great fic! Loved it! I hope you make more stories, I like how you write! Cheers!
Sintina chapter 17 . 8/22/2015
*happy sigh* three years never felt so good.
Sintina chapter 14 . 8/22/2015
Oh thank f'ing goodness! I've been waiting a very long time to read a 3 years where Vegeta leaves the planet because he ~needs~ to turn SSJ to protect his woman and child! His honor demands it. This is what my head canon always was and you nailed it. Thank f'ing King Kai, right? This is how it should be. Yes, she's a distraction to his training, yes he's an asshole, but no, he wouldn't fly off to turn SSJ in space for no good reason, he's never been THAT impulsive. He's a thinker and he does everything for a reason. And this is the reason. You nailed it. Bravo.
Stalactite Stiletto chapter 17 . 7/10/2015
What a heart wrenching story! I was riveted by it these past two days! Oh, how do I recount my favorite moments? Let's see... Their playful beginning, Vegeta's sadistic teasing while she was juggling him behind Yamucha's back, his disappointed talk with her one morning where he admitted that he wanted her to break up with Y (and that he "doesn't share"), the scene in her dad's office & the discovery, and of course the final chapter where we learn they're going to be happy forever. Thank you for posting this story and sticking with it until its beautiful, touching end. I'm grateful to have stumbled upon this yesterday. You're a gem.
JL ROCKS chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
The first Vegebul fanfic I've read and I loved it! I specially liked their first time, rushed and leaving them filled with regret. Great story n.n
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