Reviews for So This Is Christmas - Another Year Over
Amazon Life chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
AAAAHHHHH, this is PERFECT! Just absolutely perfect! I cannot get over how absurdly sweet this is. Recreating the last Christmas is definitely something they would do, and it's so perfect because I can't even tell *whose* idea it was. On one hand, Rachel would have thought about this, because she loves traditions so much so it's so like her to want to make that a tradition and have the same dinner and so on. On the other hand, however, Quinn could also want to do that again to make sure it was even better than the year before, now that she's alredy more comfortable with Rachel and with being with her, and now that she's able to finish it by actually kissing her... So this works so well for those two and was such an amazing idea! :D And I just love the little details too, how you pick some things back up and update us in them. Like Quinn seeing Beth once a month, that made me so happy! And I had definitely been okay with Brittana not being together, but I know some people wanted them to, so you even included that as well, or at least the probability. And I loved that Rachel also kept the tradition of giving Quinn a classical book that she loves again. ;) This was the sweetest little touch, and of course it had to be "A Christmas Carol"! :D I also really liked the part where Rachel realized she loves Quinn more than even Broadway... and at the same time realized that Quinn would never make her choose. That was really, really beautiful and touched me a lot. Actually everything from that part on did. The last two paragraphs were the most perfect ending this one-shot could have. And it's even more perfect because, in "Out of Reach", the epilogue came from Santana's POV, BUT it was mostly about Quinn's feelings... or how Santana perceived Quinn's feelings, how she saw Quinn looking at Rachel and what had changed in Quinn's heart and in her life since being with Rachel and how happy that made her... and here, we have Rachel's side of it instead, how it feels for HER to be with Quinn, and that complements that epilogue SO amazingly well. I really, honestly love every single part of this!
AND I get a dedication! That is such an honor, and warmed my heart more than you can imagine, it makes me just so happy that my favorite author dedicated a story to me! I literally already started tering up as soon as I read that first sentence... and continued to tear up all through the story. And I just *might* have gone back to read the Christmas chapter in "Out of Reach" which also made me tear up because it's just so beautiful and... yeah, you know my heart is mush. You are amazing, just absolutely amazing. You're an amazing writer, and you're an even more amazing friend. THANK YOU!
Sarah chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
I loved it!
gllover22 chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Loved it. Cheers.