Reviews for Kintsugi
Hikari chapter 19 . 5/30/2018
Hello! Please, please continue this story! I've been waiting for ages for it to be updated! It's so well written and an interesting storyline to keep the reader engaged :D

Hope to see it updated soon!
Doujin-Maker chapter 3 . 7/20/2017
Please don't kill Izuna off like they did in canon..!
Doujin-Maker chapter 19 . 7/19/2017
One Question: Will Madara turn out the same as in canon, or will he be saved?
melremade chapter 19 . 3/30/2017
I've just made it through both Redesign and this story and LOVED them both. I hope you decide to take this story off hiatus sooner rather than later because I can't wait to see what comes next!
SPeridot chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
Listening to "Shape of you" by Ed Sheehan while reading this. Lol the song is perfect for this chapter.
Too lazy to sign in
NeKo19-94 chapter 19 . 11/15/2016
Next plis ;)
torikai chapter 11 . 9/18/2016
Eishirou, hmmmm, he's not going to live very long one way or another. I enjoyed reading Izuna, Madara, and Mio's exchange regarding Tobirama (love the Izuna/Tobirama rivalry in any story).
torikai chapter 10 . 9/16/2016
It's been a while since I've had a chance to read this story, looks like you've made a lot of progress and I've got a lot of catch up reading to do. This chapter, it feels like the calm before the storm.
NeKo19-94 chapter 18 . 8/20/2016
Next Plis
Asuka Misora chapter 17 . 3/21/2016
Hopefully the plan works. Hahah I missed Takuto and Izuna! It's like a small breath of fresh air from all the dark forewarnings and drama!

Thanks for the update. Cant wait for the next!
Asuka Misora chapter 16 . 3/21/2016
Ahh this made me tear up! Madara's and Mio's insecurities and problems in their relationship kinda hurts.
I feel like Yayoi's questioning is a foreshadowing for after Izuna's death (which isn't for awhile I hope).

Thanks for the update and welcome back!
The Jingo chapter 16 . 3/17/2016
It's looking like Madara will begin his descent into darkness soon?
qwt chapter 15 . 2/1/2016
love it.
Natsuki Scarlet chapter 15 . 12/29/2015
Finished reading the sequel! :D Love it! Like Redesign, your writing style is extremely well detailed! ;) I am really happy that Madara and Mio finally got married! But they always stressful.. *sighs* Wonder when they will stop fighting? Oh well! Its part of every couple's obstacles! Lol

So sad that Izuna never had a real closure with Mio... I think I am pretty selfish cause for some reason, I don't want Izuna to be with anyone else! Because somewhere in my heart, I would always ship him off with mio.. TOT
I felt like my heart was breaking into tiny little pieces when I read the part where Izuna and Mio talk about Izuna trying to move on but couldn't... :(
I feel bad for Izuna... :'0 When he asked Mio why it couldn't be him, I was like "Yeah! Why couldn't it be him?!" I know I said to you I now ship Madara and Mio but sometimes...I just want Mio to be with Izuna...AGHHH! :(
When Izuna was so close to Mio, I was like "GO IZUNA! KISS HER!" Even though I know it would just further complicate things.. I was fangirling so much that part...Hehehe! Lol
Really sorry but I don't think I can read your Izuna/Oc...Cause I am a true die hard fan...of Izuna/Mio..though I also like Madara/Oc!
Jealous Madara...SO CUTE! XD creepy! Even though you described him as a guy who is not that old, I just keep imagining him as a old man for some reason.. LOl

Oh yeah! I thought you said there's gonna be a love triangle between Madara, Mio, and Tobirama? How come I haven't read something like that in all the chapters? Is it gonna be in the future chapters? :O

Oh my! So curious about Mio's journey! I wonder what happened? Will you give us a flashback about it? Cause I don't think Mio told Madara everything...
Hmm...why was Tobirama with Mio that time? So interesting!
What about Kiyohime being Mio's mother?! What was that about? I thought it was Kikyo who was the mother of Mio? Whaaat? Mio is hearing things in her head about Madara from Kiyohime? Madara would leave Mio?! This is bad...
Is it about that part where Madara leaves Konoha and becomes evil or is it something else? I sure hope thats not it! :( Cause if it is, theres a possiblity of Izuna dying and then Madara becoming crazy and stuff... :(
Mio creating an eleven artifact? AWESOME! Though she might die if the Time Sphere is taken away from her..So reckless! Poor Madara...
My gosh! The mystery keeps my boots shaking with anticipation! Love it! Even though its confusing... Well, I hope everything is revealed due time! :D

Yayoi..Cool! Like Mio's character, I can see the growth of her character!
Grrrr..Ikki is so cruel! i feel bad for Yayoi... Visions? Is it really because of the even artifact? So confusing.. :o

Keigo is so cute and funny! Wonder why he wants to be a guardian? :o (Its so funny..the part where Keigo tries to give Ikki back Ikki's broken tooth! XD)

Hmmm..I don't trust Mashiro..I thinks he's planning something bad...

Burning temple? I have a feeling that its the future...gonna happen soon..

Anyway, I am gonna begin reading the extra stories you made for Kintsugi in Live Journal! Love you! :D

PS: What was thing Mio used to always say? Avoid the nonsensical. Obey power...and what? :o
Hushed.Fable chapter 15 . 12/14/2015
You know what I just realized? Why are all the strong female leads in most shounen manga/anime given the role of healing? Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist. Like they always have to be the caretaker to the strong male lead. It's not like healing is anything to scoff at, but enforcing gender roles much? Thank goodness for Takuto. And thank goodness for your writing!
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