Reviews for In a Café
TinyDancer899 chapter 1 . 7/9
You did a great job with this :) I love how you kept the story of the Avatar while still keeping the au and their personalities.
YeetThePanda chapter 1 . 6/27
Heh, blue people
YeetThePanda chapter 1 . 6/27
I really liked this story. It even including parts of the show in it heh. It sounded like there would be a second part to it though, can you make one?
sebastian26ag chapter 1 . 6/14
Loved this modern au concept. Would really enjoy a second part to this
The Weaver of Stories chapter 1 . 6/5
I think this would have been pretty awesome if you continued it - I have so many questions about it. But it's also awesome as a one-shot. I love it.
DIO39 chapter 1 . 3/23
Fantastic story. Excellent writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
You are awesome
CassieLiam4 chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
please update this story
Maya chapter 1 . 2/21/2018
Oh my god... this is so cute! I don’t know how old this is, but you should seriously consider continuing it! It was wonderful. I loved the portrayal of Aang and how well you managed to convey the complex relationship between Katara and Aang
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
Really great one-shot! Would love to read a short continuation of this story. Maybe not the dinner, but afterwards with another talk.
Annabethtalkstoolives chapter 1 . 11/27/2017
This is great! You should do more.
theycallme-ook chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Omg, totally wasn’t fangirling the kriff out when I read this. But, in all honesty, I really appreciated this oneshot. It was well written, the story and setting flowed, the characterization was true, and the interaction was meaningful yet lighthearted. Overall a definite bright spot in my day. Thanks for this.

XOXO- QueendomofCrows
cidkemgl chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
This was the sweetest story! You really captured an older Aang perfectly.
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 9/28/2017
This was truly perfect. It wonderful as a one-shot but miraculous potential for more. (Sweet Smile) Thank you for publishing it. Just wished I found it sooner.
Cassie chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
would like to read more. are you going to add another chapter. I like it
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