Reviews for 487 Acacia Willows
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 7 . 7/17/2018
This is really sweet like! I enjoy how they're both falling for each other yet despite denying it they are extremely affectionate and accepting of the other. I hope you continue this one day. I also like the hint of them being pretty intimate without stating or showing just how physically intimate they've been as it leaves room for imagination and I picture them making out and cuddling maybe some groping but no actual intercourse just yet so that their nonlabeled relationship isn't largely based on sexual release/desire.
zesinidia chapter 7 . 8/30/2017
So it's some time since the last chapter was added, more than a year before I first read it I think, and so I find myself wondering if it is cancelled or forgotten in the midst of living either way not likely to be continued or if can be so lucky to look forward to more chapters?
PumaGoddess chapter 7 . 6/23/2017
I know this hasn't been updated in a long time but WOW is it amazing. The character development is fantastic and seeing them so intimate almost feels like voyeurism but I can't get enough. I love it!
Lemniscato chapter 7 . 7/24/2015
Hello, I only recently discovered this story, because I thought there weren't any multi-chaptered stories of Tahno and Korra anymore. I am so happy I got back in the mood to re-read old Tahnorra fics and found this.

I couldn't stop reading this when I started, and I have never been so hung on every word of a fanfic before. This is so beautifully written, almost poetic. This story is on such a high level of amazingness, I can't even fully describe what I'm feeling. The fact that I could feel and see everything that Korra and Tahno saw and felt proves how great and detailed this is written. My heart was racing so bad as I was reading, oh my god.

Anyway, the way Tahno is portrayed is so refreshing. Usually people write Tahno in a shallow, playboy way who barely has any feelings or someone who hates the world for no reason. Which is why I was so pleasantly surprised when I read a completely different Tahno in your story. I love it everytime he laughs or looks a certain way at Korra, I can honestly say this is in my top 3 Tahnorra stories (even though there aren't many to rat, hehe).

I can guarantee you that I will be re-reading this story many times, and I hope you will continue this so I can fill my need for Tahnorra romantics and such lol.

Good luck with everything else,


PS. If you're reading this please do so with 100x more enthousiasm because I suck at this oops
Also, English is not my first language so forgive me if I wrote something (super)weird
StrangeViolin chapter 7 . 4/9/2015
Before I delve into this, I have to say that I really like your title choice for this chapter. Nice reference to The Great Gatsby! Is that a hint of things to come? Will our duo be caught up in romantic entanglements until someone shoots Tahno?
...wait. I don't think I actually want that.

I'm 500 percent sure that I've said this before, but I have to say it again. You truly have a talent for subtle character development. Even near the start, I feel like I know a bit more about Shaozu due to the fact that he had everyone walk instead of risking his car. Just a quick bit of interaction shows that he's a bit materialistic, and a bit of a perfectionist. Which is interesting, because I've attached those very characteristics to Tahno himself. That probably explains why they made such good teamates in the first place, I suppose.
More than your bits of character development sprinkled in, I really like everyone's interaction! It really refreshing seeing Tahno with a healthy circle of friends. More often than not, with most Tahnorra fanfics, Tahno has no friends or family to speak of. He's just a (lovable) creepy guy with nothing too do but cling on to Korra. (This is something I'm guilty of myself)
But in showing and exploring Tahno's relationship with other people besides Korra, you've allowed many opportunities to show his many sides and colors. His sense of humor, his relative easygoing going attitude, his talent for burrowing away his fragile emotions in order to wear impenetrable armor, and his natural smugness was all in full display here. It was great! More than that, it was really nice seeing it directly contrasted with how he acts when he's just around Korra. He almost has this...odd gentleness to him. He's not afraid to compliment her, he touches her tenderly, he actually apologizes for himself, and even casts loving gazes towards her. He just loves her so much and I just can't get over it, she means the world to him! It almost feels like he's more than one person, but it's him. It's all him.

This is pretty predictable, but I really really like the part where Tahno was gazing at Korra while she was impressed with the city's vista. Was it supposed to be similar to that Borra moment way back in the simple days of Book 1, or was that just coincidence? I remember that moment so clearly, because that was my absolute favorite moment with them (I was even a Borra shipper...for all of 6 minutes until Tahno sauntered his way into my heart) so getting a Tahnorra version is all I ever wanted!
I'm not ashamed to admit that I've been reading and re-reading this story from the beginning to here time and time again. It's just so good! I especially want to get the image of The Golden Lily burned into my head. I really need to do it justice!
It's just not fair, every time I say I have a favorite Tahnorra scene, you always end up showing up yourself! I don't think I have to specify with this chapter, but I'll just say it. My favorite part between them was definitely at the end. It somehow shows how far they've went all showing just how far they have to go. And I'm so sorry I can't make a long and elegant comment, like this chapter deserves. I'm just a puddle of bubbling emotions, and every time I think I won't be affected, I end up feeling doubly so.

Oh, and while this certainly does not diminish the quality of the chapter. I have noticed a slight issue.
"...and it wouldn't have made her gasp if there was a (animal)-horse drawn carriage"
It seems that you have forgotten to replace your placeholder. If you don't have anything particular in mind, might I suggest an ostrich-horse. Like what Zuko and Iroh rode around in back in the day.
StrangeViolin chapter 6 . 3/14/2015
This was a really nice chapter.
It was so great seeing Tahno interacting with people. For a while I was under the belief that Tahno was all alone, it feels good being wrong. And, like it was stated in the chapter itself, it was nice seeing another side of Tahno. It shows that despite Amon's attack and all of the hardships Tahno had to go through he's still himself. He still has that spark. Which is great, because I don't think my heart can take him barely being himself and trying (but failing) to put himself back together.
Also in the last chapter I was hyped to see Wolfbat interactions, and it actually happens in this one! I think that means I'm psychic. There's just no other explanation.
So anyway, while I'm still staved for more interactions I really liked what we got. You can tell that they respect Tahno a good bit, but at the same time their relationship includes a good deal of friendly casualness. It was especially evident when Shaozu complimented Tahno's storytelling abilities only for Ming to playfully poke at Tahno just a while later.
Aside from that I enjoyed seeing Korra interact with just about everyone! She's a little insecure, yes, but that doesn't squash her outgoing demeanor and it does little to out her fire (which was especially shown during her intial contact with Shaozu). I know I've mentioned it before, but I seriously love how you write Korra. When I'm reading, it's like I can hear her actual voice sometimes!
Oddly enough, I think my favorite character introduced in this chapter was Fei. (It doesn't help that she was my favorite of Tahno's fangirls) She's absolutely precious, and I feel that out of everyone she bio des with Korra the most. I don't know if a friendship could sprout from this, but either way I really like seeing thei interactions between them. I hope there will be more soon!
And, as usual, I absolutely loved seeing the interactions between Tahno and Korra! By far my favorite part of it was when Tahno removed her hair spools in order to "get her ready". Despite Korra's insecurities Tahno is completely enamored with her. He sees her with different eyes than she sees herself. So while she feels like she'd stick out for a bad reason (looking underdressed and homely) Tahno feels like she'd stick out because he finds her absolutely gorgeous. So much so, that when going to a fancy and popular place (which is no doubt filled with high class women dressed to the nines) Tahno is confident that all eyes will be on Korra. He just loves her so m-m-m-much!

(Sorry for taking for long to post up my comment! I thought I already did and when I came back to read it on my phone, I saw my not yet published comment staring at me. I really can be a bit of a bubble head at times...)
manjuice chapter 6 . 3/10/2015
I really enjoyed this chapter. It's nice to get a glimpse at the former wolfbat team and how they get along outside the ring. No matter how long it takes to write a chapter I'll always be waiting. It's worth the wait
StrangeViolin chapter 5 . 3/2/2015
A while ago I think I called one of the earlier chapters my favorite, well I take it back. This one is my new favorite! I've actually read it 3 times the same day. That's normal, completely normal.

Like the pervious chapters, this feels cozy as hell. But what makes this stands out is how you've decided to explore their respective personalities. How you've shown their contrasting qualities as well as their similarities. Like earlier on it was shown that Korra prefers to sleep in silence while Tahno finds comfort in resting with the radio on. As cute as that part was, it was rendered bittersweet when we were "treated" to a window of how Tahno used to be at his prime. I could swear I felt my heart sink as the realization hit Korra. You're a monster. D:

Anyway, you've somehow managed to make them so sweet and tender towards each other, while keeping them in character. I think I've mentioned this before, but it's heartwarming seeing how much they care and worry for each other. How Tahno's unhappiness makes Korra feel unease, and how Tahno wishes he could ease Korra's burdens. And that's without going into how reluctant they were to leave each other. You show how strongly they feel, without calling a distracting amount of attention to it. It's just a normal part of the world. And as silly as it may come off, I believe it helps make their relationship feel so...natural. It feels like them caring for each other comes as naturally to them as breathing.

My favorite part is probably when they're both barely awake and talking. Their comfortable back and forth, how Korra was ready to deal with the cigarette smoke and how Tahno stopped for her. They're so important to each other and I just love how it effortlessly comes out in little ways.
I also love how Korra essentially called Tahno her soulmate.
Sure, they may not be a "perfect" fit in the traditional sense of the word. Korra is too rough and blunt with him. And Tahno is far from a "knight in shining armor". Not to mention that they've both been hurt in the past (I admit, I'm unsure if Korra has been equalized in this universe), and they're trying the best they can...despite all the odds they have to face. So, no, they're not the traditional perfect fairy tale couple, but they fit in ways they could never imagine anyone fitting them, and they contrast so beautifully that they tend to inadvertently make the best qualities from each other stand out all the more. At least, that's what I'm getting from this.
So in that sense I think the fact that they can find solace in each other during their situations is a really big deal.

An interesting thing I've noticed was that Korra identified Tahno's features as "pretty", while Tahno didn't view himself as such. It seems to me that Korra holds her counterpart in higher esteem than he does. And considering that he's generally haughty when he's at his best, it shows just how different things are.

This fits nowhere else on here, but I really have to mention that my favorite line in this chapter by far is
"I feel like I've known you forever"
I can't quite explain why I like it so much, but reaching this line is my favorite part of reading this chapter. By far. Let's just say that I'm thankful that there's no one around me to hear my ridiculous fan girl squealing.
And while I'm here, I really appreciate the quick blurb about Shaozu. That means Tahno is still in contact with with his former teammates. And, more than that, he feels close enough to him to tell him about his supposedly secret relationship. I hope that this is a hint of things to come, and that we'll see some Wolfbat interactions in the future!

This part of the story may have taken longer than I thought it it would to come out, but it was well worth the wait! It may be too soon to say it, but I think this may just be my favorite multi-chapter Tahnorra fan fiction.
Nightingale0603 chapter 5 . 3/1/2015
Thanks for finally updating! This chapter was definitely worth the wait!
StrangeViolin chapter 4 . 1/17/2015
first off, I am so sorry for taking forever an a day to leave a review. Would you believe that I already thought I left a review. Yeah... I am what you call a bubble head.

Their interactions are my lifeblood. They're just so natural together, but they're still just so cute. ( I am not proud to admit that I've stopped reading to squeal a few times.) They are so different, in the sense that Korra is so unused to to fancy surroundings, that she wears her thoughts and feelings on her sleeves. While her partner thrives in elegant situations and hides his emotions with layers of sarcasm and dry humor. Despite that though , you seem to have a knack showing how well they fit together. In fact, you've even went as far to subtlety show a few similarities they share. They're both strong willed people, trying to survive until the harsh glare of the public eye. And while they have different methods to go by things ( Tahno hides away his feelings while Korra tries to smooth over her public image) the fact remains that there's a lot of pressure on them. And they simply cannot go on like that for too long - especially Tahno. If worse comes to worse, Korra has a large support group. But I'm not sure if Tahno has ANYBODY!
Hands down, my favorite thing about this chapter is how it really showcases how much they care about each other. They worry and admire each other. They're just so natural and sweet and I just can't take it! I know this chapter didn't turn out the way you wanted it. But for what it's worth, I think it's fantastic. It's probably my favorite chapter so far.

And don't worry about being later with the updates than you intend to be. Just take your time and have fun with it. Quality over fast...ity. Yeah.
manjuice chapter 4 . 1/8/2015
Even if this chapter 4 didn't come out the way you wanted it, it still makes good progress on the story. And no need to rush with getting the chapters published. Happy New Year!
manjuice chapter 3 . 12/28/2014
I'm really liking the slow developing plot. Can't wait for more
StrangeViolin chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
It may be a short chapter, but all the same I am enjoying the attention you pay to worldbuilding.
Oh and can you believe that it took me this long to read the fic description?
Tahnorra AND Masami? Are you trying to kill me?
Nightingale0603 chapter 3 . 12/27/2014
I really love how both Tahno and Korra are written in this story. I am excited for the next chapter!
StrangeViolin chapter 2 . 12/22/2014
I'm not sure if there are wristwatches in the Korra universe. But, then again, that may just me being nitpicky.
Also, I refuse to believe that Mako is taller than Tahno. That's not an America I can believe in.

Oh, right! I should probably do an actually review!

"No. Tahno isn't bad news-he's simply bad in newspaper headlines"
Dude, I think this is my favorite line in the chapter. Not only does it flow so well that it almost comes off as a catchy slogan, but it's one of those lines that really shows how Korra feels about him. Most of the Tahnorra stories I read involves Korra and Tahno getting used to each other. But, it's nice to shake it up every now and again, so I really don't mind that they've broken the first barrier of communication by the time the story starts. They still have a long way to go, regardless.

I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm going to continue mentioning it because I love it so much! The way you can just paint a detailed scene is awe inspiring. With just a few sentences, you've really made Tahno's apartment come to life and - WAIT no no, is this an ex bender Tahno story? FuCK get me off this train I want off I didn't sign up for this nononononononononono


Um, anyway! .
Of course Tahno would hide any pain he goes through. And he'd be good at it too! The boy is an entertainer after all, he knows how to play a role. And of course, Korra would stand her ground and dig through his barriers. Because, despite everything, she really is compassionate. Its a fact the main show will forget at times, but I'll always remember. And at the risk of letting a bit of my bitterness show, I can't help but to think that they would have absolutely no excuse to caricature Korra as a total brat at the start of EVERY season, if they bothered to keep Tahno along for the ride. But while they have an inability to make her more than a 1 dimensional protagonist, you seem to excel at portraying her.
She's a little insecure, when she was with Mako. Korra wasn't sure how to explain her relationship with Tahno, or how to deal with Mako's disapproval. Which shows that she holds his opinion in high regard. But at the same time, she's still herself. So she avoids a few couple of hard questions, and acts a bit rough with him.
You can see something similar with Tahno. She's kind, in the sense that she truly wants to make him feel better. But at the same time, she's bold with her questions, and takes no crap. Or at least, that's how I'm reading it. I'm 600 percent sure I'm way off.
In your hands, Korra is the multifaceted character she was meant to be.

So, yeah. I really really really like the romantic Tahnorra scenes. Where he holds her, and they playfully banter, and they gaze at each other, but more than that I really like that part near the end. Where Tahno goes off for a change of clothes, and Korra sticks her tongue out at him. That probably isn't as traditionally romantic, I suppose. But I love it when you can still feel a character's personality - regardless of their relationship status. It's a weird writing cliche, but I've noticed that in most shipping fics (or even in most shows) when they want a couple to get together they stop focusing on character driven interactions, and fall back on overdone romantic tropes. As if someone loses their personality the instant they gain a crush.
Which I really don't get, because - to me - the most romantic thing a couple can do, is show that they're comfortable being themselves around the other.
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