Reviews for Hand It to Me
LaylanatorXVII chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
The oil cracked me up. I got the joke before Tony did, and the fact that You (I think it was You) was so confused was adorable. You seem to write a LOT about the bots, which means you are, like, a Fanfiction goddess of mercy in my eyes, cause not enough people write about them. Not to mention the insanely good quality of your rule!
starkind chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
What a great wrap-up of how tough life for the younger Tony Stark must have been. As usual you whipped it into shape with an adorable interaction between him and the bots, and threw in some Rhodey and Pepper moments as well, which topped it off perfectly. I'm a fan of your writing (but you know that already, don't'cha) so once more kudos to you!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Thanks for all the great short stories you've been doing lately. I really love them :-)
MaiWishes chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Very cute bots and another interesting headcanon. That was kinda heartbreaking where he hoped for a second it was simple kindness.

I have a request, could you write another fic about JARVIS' very early years? Around when he is starting to question things and be self motivated and aware? That would be awesome, those are my favorites!