Reviews for Simple Clarity
welshcwtch chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
NarcissaNerea chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
Loved this! I think this is the perfect ‘missing scene’.
Darlene Graczyk chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
Terrific, you have them down perfectly!
Caprica Janeway chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
I can't remember if I reviewed this before, but I absolutely love it. All the dialogue and the tentative kissing, perfect!
sorynliv chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
Oh, from your keyboard to the MC-writers' muse. I hope we get a scene like this in the show. Just the two of them talking about what the kids pointed out and not labeling anything; hopefully, continuing to spend time together simply because they enjoy each other's company.
leveragus chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
Love it!

This is why fanfiction exist! So many possibilities after this episode!

"The only people who don't know that Sharon and Andy are thing, are Sharon and Andy" So true! :D

Great piece post-episode! Thank you for sharing! : )
OzzyJ chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
Brilliant! Loved this - perfectly in character and incredibly sweet. Thanks for sharing!
OldFashionedGrl chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Oh, I love the description of Sharon wanting to stomp her foot. She's just so had it with him. Brilliant!

I adore the "comedian" call back from Andy.

#Poor Andy, Sharon's physically avoiding him. That description of her making herself small in the seat is so perfect! (Reminds me of Laura in BSG when she was dying in the scene where she gave Bill his Admiral's insignai. Sorry - just such a brilliant Mary moment.)

Sharon hurt by the lie is so smart. She's been through a lot and does or did trust Andy, she let him in. So well put.

His apology is so sincere. I feel bad for both of them right now.

Ooh, he's touching her... and she's not pulling away... this is promising.

Ooh...ooh...ooh... he's going to kiss her. This is so awesome! They are dating after all, might as well go for it. Damn those suspenders, so hot! Sharon clearly agrees!

This! "In all this time," she said, voice dipping, but soft. "You couldn't find a way to tell me the truth a little sooner?" This is such a PERFECT line! Perfect for Sharon! Perfect to ask Andy! Perfect for just after the kiss! Just PERFECT!

Breakfast... more possibilities!

Sashay... she's teasing him now! Go Sharon!

Rusty is so funny. His dialogue at the elevator is hysterical. Throwing everything back at her.

Poor Sharon, thinking of fleeing via staircase. How many floors up are they?

Love Rusty's thoughts about how cute she is and the girl freak out and then... "That's my Mom" damn way to tug the heart strings woman!

The end is fabulous. She hasn't even considered "everyone else"

Brilliant Story! Thank you.
AmorTv90 chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
love love love! i cant wait for monday...
ProfTweety chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
That was a very nice take on the ep. It makes perfect sense that she would want to continue the discussion, spending time together and talking is how their friendship deepened in the first place. Rusty was a typical kid in the ep and in this fic; they know it all and love to catch those moments when the adults in ther lives don't have a clue. If you're so inclined, a follow up convo would be nice.
CaptainBadAssMarshmallowFluff chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
hehehe, this has made me very happy, thank you
Dietlinde chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Grande storia, anch'io credo che le uniche persone che non sanno che sono in una relazione sono proprio loro due, soprattutto Sharon .-)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Lovely! Just amazingly lovely! Like all your work, really. But this one hit the spot so well. This is what Duff won't write, and what I've been so frustrated with about 3.13. Andy knows he has feelings for her, so he needs to come clean with Sharon about them. Gah. This was so perfect. Thank you! You're a beautiful writer. This was well written, much needed, excellent work. Again, thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Such a sweet story, I could see this happening. Way to go Andy! Go and kiss your lady!
Tammy chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
*happy sigh* Yep this is what I needed.
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