Reviews for Fate is but a Probability Higher than Average
TheIdeator chapter 4 . 7/6
So Kiritsugu summoned Rin ?
tarrangar chapter 2 . 4/22
It's not really idiocy, if the grail wasn't corrupted, Kiritsugu would be absolutely right that any sacrifice was worth it, especially since the wish is omnipotent, so he can make it retroactive, so any damage done in the process is reversed, as the world has always been at peace, and the grail wars never happened.
TheOneDino chapter 2 . 3/9
Caster was intense. Good job.
The Jingo chapter 4 . 8/14/2019
This is great.
NomadicNine chapter 4 . 11/29/2018
Dammit man, it's 2018, nearing 2019, and you still haven't updated this awesome fic?! I know RL stuff can put things like these in the back burner but please, continue this! I really want to know what ended up with HS!Rin and CG!Shirou, did they have a falling out and Rin completely regrets it because it essentially damned Shirou to Archer's fate?
Guest chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
I think caster is Rin due to how she is not only from the future but also a disciple of Zelretch
snowyassas1n chapter 3 . 7/5/2018
Is caster an Oc?
G chapter 4 . 3/20/2018
Question. If this fic isn't dead, will Waver and Iskander still make an appearance? I honestly love the duo, and it'd just be awesome to see Rin recognize Waver as well.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/3/2018
Damn this story had some promise. Shame it seems to be dead
rebecca taylor chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
More please! chapter 4 . 9/6/2017
Genial historia espero con ansias por el próximo capitulo .
Espero ver la reacción de Rin y shirou al encontrarse .
Batalla épica entre ghilgamesh y shirou ? ; has que shirou no se retenga en sus duelos y demuestre su poder .
Weapon Frayer chapter 4 . 8/9/2017
I really like this scenario, which differs from the other big Servant!Rin story, in that both EMIYA and Servant!Rin are present. It's a damn shame that it's been 2 years and counting, but shit, the material here is amazing.

I understand that RL may have unfortunately caused this to be dormant/dead. If possible, do you have a general plot structure written up? I'd like to know what would have/will happen.
Ara chapter 4 . 4/17/2017
This is amazing please please please continue this. I know it has been a very long time but please update!
XDJRetroX chapter 4 . 2/17/2017
This is such a good story so far! I love how you resembled the characters of Fate Stay Night and Fate/Zero to such a high degree of quality! I really do hope you pick this story back up again! It's just so amazing and stunning, it made me want to read it during class when I had so many things due! XD Though, thank you for even making this story in the first place! Also, I'm just gonna guess Caster is Rin here, from all the clues you've given me. Thanks again :)
Fher34 chapter 2 . 2/7/2017
Poor ilya. I have a very good guess on casters identity!
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