Reviews for An Imperfect Match
Sasha chapter 5 . 12/28/2017
Is this abandoned? I’m just curious because I LOVE the story!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
Please update!
panda bunny 2.0 chapter 5 . 11/9/2016
yay please update soon
Diablots chapter 5 . 9/12/2015
Oh please please please tell me you're going to post another chapter ! This story is so interesting, I love it !
Guest chapter 5 . 5/28/2015
I can't believe I actually want to strangle Kurt Hummel.
I want to rip his fucking ribcage open the way he's treating Sebastian,
I want to rip it open and release the nausea I can feel building in my stomach into it...
But (if I somehow had the opportunity) I wouldn't do it solely for the fact that it would contribute to Sebastian's pain.

There's definitely going to be strong emotions all around the gamut with this one.

Also I definitely think you should add familial disowning and parental neglegance to the top of your warning list. There are people who are kicked out of their homes every day for being gay, not being this or that, and chances are someone had already clicked on this story who knows someone (or even multiple people) who have lived through this, or even possibly be living it themselves right now.
That's all
richterri chapter 5 . 5/10/2015
Please tell me there are many more chapters an imperfect match,the story is getting so great I want to find out what going to happen next ,to everyone in the story.
Frankenstitch chapter 5 . 12/24/2014
Oh Kurt needs to get his act together so badly. I feel so bad for Sebastion. And yea, I know they both didn't really want this, but Seb screwed up and then Kurt was a jerk got back at him. They're even. And at least Kurt can do what he wants Seb is forced to follow commands and is stuck in a household that was pretty much forced to take him in.
lilyvandersteen chapter 5 . 12/22/2014
Kurt is still fighting it with all his might ... *Deep sigh*

And I feel sorry for Seb that his parents never want to see him again. However jerkish he's ever behaved, no-one deserves that kind of treatment from his very own parents :(
PerfectBlackbird chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
Im so in love with this fic
heriyandi kurosaki chapter 5 . 12/20/2014
Sebastian's parents are so cruel n primitive.
Ck. Makes me so angry.
But can't wait to read it.
please update soon.
Sarahamanda Klaine chapter 5 . 12/20/2014
I like this chapter. It is s good chapter. Please update soon.
lilyvandersteen chapter 4 . 12/13/2014
Wow. I wasn't expecting that to happen. Won't that do more harm than good, if Sebastian does it only because he's ordered to and not because he wants to?
lilyvandersteen chapter 3 . 12/13/2014
It's hard to be somewhere where everyone wishes you gone ... I hope things will look up soon, both for Kurt and for Sebastian.
lilyvandersteen chapter 2 . 12/13/2014
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's shocked and horrified at Kurt's behaviour. Yes, Kurt expected to be with Blaine and he's heartbroken. Yes, Sebastian did all sorts of nasty things. However, he's responsible for Sebastian now. Neither he nor Sebastian have a choice in this matter. And however nasty Sebastian has been, humiliating and torturing him for it because he's now at Kurt's mercy is not okay. It doesn't sit right with me, and it won't sit right with Kurt himself. He's better than that.
heriyandi kurosaki chapter 4 . 12/12/2014
I really like it.
having Sebastian as a sub makes me so excited.
I really want to see vulnerable n obedient sebastian.
please update soon
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