Reviews for Late
inkflowers chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
It's been a good couple of years since you wrote this, but I still want to say that this fic made me very emotional. I'm a big Ino fan, I can ship her with basically everyone and I'm for the most part okay with what happened in canon, but ShikaIno is a very special ship for me and the way you wrote this just gutted me. The two of them are like Barney and Robin from HIMYM - they didn't end up with each other, but I think the world knows that they should have.
Holly Wills chapter 1 . 11/1/2016
This made me sad, but I thank you all the same. I absolutely agree on everything, especially the ShikaTema part. They struck me more as a work colleagues more than possible lovers, and I always, always thought Shika and Ino would end up together, given their history. Ah, well. At least we still have fan fiction to mend our disappointed hearts. :'(
lrviolet chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
"I always thought you two would marry." Same here Chouji, same here. I just love reading angst so I don't mind having to endure the feels from this one. Lovely work.
PepsiColaa chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
aww... i hate these SI stories coming out as of late (lmao in a good way tho, i mean the ANGST HAHA). Even though I like Saiino i didn't dislike the description of it here you know? I've seen similar shikaino stories(thankfully they're not many) as of late of ino and shika not being content with their marriages but they leave an awful taste in my mouth... because it feels more of a rant from the writer and less of a fanfiction story. yours though uhgggg it leaves me like "whyyy " lol they really missed the train didn't they? good job on this one shot, really.
Blue Aidelle chapter 1 . 6/3/2015

Beautiful piece. 3
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
I've stopped reading ShikaIno fics because it hurts me whenever I remember they did not end up together. But I still ship them even when they sank. And I'm glad as I came back, this is the first fic I read. I love the way you wrote your feelings out; it was shared by a great number of ShikaIno shippers. It was like you wrote what is in every ShikaIno shippers' heart and mind.
Self-piercing chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Wow, Thank you for sharing your talent. This story was short and (bitter)sweet. You did what so many authors fail to do, you painted a complete picture. In 1,300 words you told such a great story, I feel like I know the relationship of everyone in the story, and how they feel. I'm in awe! Good job

Best regards,
Self-piercing, EMG
FujoshiFever chapter 1 . 12/31/2014
ShikaIno FOREVER! Because of the way it ended Ino and Shika are probably just going to have an affair with eachother, divorce their current spouses, and marry each other.
KukiRew chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
My ship sank and i along with it. Your story made me cry so so hard. Whyyyy kishi whyyyy?
Freedom and Hope chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Well, fuck. Damn I ship ShikaIno really hard and it pierced and shattered my kokoro when the ship sank. I would've been fine with the ship not sailing and just being stagnant; I don't require a maiden voyage but please don't sink it.

*sigh* Well your story sure did awaken my weeping kokoro. Hahaha. Pretty good story though, quite vague but still got me deep. Well, here's to us martyrs who will forever ship a sunken ship.
BlessMyHart chapter 1 . 12/7/2014
You did NOT. OMG I've been hit by the feels train. This is so wonderful and horrible at the same time. ShikaIno will forever live on in my heart
GalanthaDreams chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
That hurt me far too much-hallmark of good writing.
MasterSqueakToy chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
I lovelovelove this story so very much. 700 really hit my shipping feels as a whole. None of my pairings happened, but I really like your take on everything. Especially about how Shika and Temari had hung out but didn't seem like a couple. Anywho, I wish this was longer. Keep up the good work! Xoxo
Kakasensei chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
Oh man. So many feels. I will always ship Shika and Ino. :c
Even though I like Temari, too.
MoonlightRurouni chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
"She realised, she had never looked for a match for Shikamaru."

Oh MAN this line HURT. Great job though! I really liked it.
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