Reviews for In The Pale Moonlight
Bebedora chapter 49 . 4/27/2012
I just found this...I really hope you update it, it's wonderful.

Riemann Hypothesis chapter 49 . 2/24/2012
This is without a doubt the best Final Fantasy fanfiction I have ever read. I have been reading this story for the past four hours straight, and really cannot wait for more to come. Please please update soon! :)
sulou chapter 49 . 12/27/2011
I am truly on the edge of my seat. . . looking forward to what happens next.
Karla3 chapter 48 . 11/30/2011
Finally, an update. I've been keeping my eye on this story for years now. Keep it going, it's worth it. An amazing piece of fanfiction in amongst all the .. you know, sub-par pieces of fan fiction out there.

Update again soon. :)
JayLiyah chapter 48 . 11/25/2011
Hey, thanks for posting the latest update, however, you should know that the formatting for this chapter is a bit messed up...
JayLiyah chapter 47 . 11/25/2011
Hey, could you please update this anytime soon? It's nice to see an update for this story after years, I'd really like to know how it ends.
sulou chapter 47 . 10/24/2011
Wow! I'm so glad you updated. I've been following this story for years. :)
gleamfang chapter 6 . 6/17/2011
No Way... Seifer was looking after Rinoa the whole time? It's cool that Squall is a little more open with his emotions now and I'm glad that the ability to bring out te best in each other still stands firm between Squall and Seifer. Hope you will finish this though I guess it's a bit much to ask for.


Keep Writing
SecondCalling chapter 4 . 12/24/2006
Just started reading - this is excellent stuff! Well written, engaging, and very true to the characters. I'm excited to see what happens with the rest of the're very ambitious, telling a story on such a large scale.
aZnDrEaMeR1788 chapter 40 . 9/5/2006
I am so glad this fic was updated. You have a natural knack to write so suspensefully, and in such a reportorial fasion. I will be definently checking back on this fic often.
sulou chapter 38 . 8/28/2006
I've enjoyed reading this fic. I'm glad I had you on author alert or I might not have caught the updates since I haven't been that caught up in FVI. I am looking forward to reading more of this fic as you update.
sulou chapter 37 . 8/23/2006
sulou chapter 36 . 8/15/2006
Oh wow, you're finally updating this fic! I remember reading this fic a very long time ago, and was disappointed when I thought you had given up on it. I will definitely look forward to reading more.

Glad you're back.
JayLiyah chapter 34 . 12/4/2005
Excellent, I was impressed with your writing skills and detailed descriptions. You need to continue this, I'm looking forward to more. _ Too bad you had to give a cliffhanger. Update soon.
Karla3 chapter 34 . 1/12/2005
This chapter was great to read. The descriptions were very realistic and it all came together nicely. Nice little surprise at the end,I didnt expect it!, so it makes for a good next chapter. Please update soon?
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