Reviews for Flame
Liam chapter 37 . 4/15/2019
Please update it the story is amazing
LoneWolf9897 chapter 34 . 7/10/2018
I really like your story and I think maybe you should also include some of his sword inferno and maybe some mention of how he is good a sword play maybe when he meets some of the others from Berk he is wearing his flight suit from httyd 2 so they don’t recognize him and he ends up being challenged by some of the others and he beats them in a sword fight. I hate how they don’t address this in the movies because in the books he was a fairly decent sword fighter and I hope you address this unlike the movies and tv shows
The-real-dragon-rider chapter 37 . 1/10/2018
Thank you for getting back into this story; however I feel that I must warn you about winging it. I have read several stories on this site that had an author 'winging it' and it turned into a terrible story; one that just scrambled for chapters, words, views or whatever. They fell into that plot hole because they didn't have a set end goal in mind. What happened was just a lot of pointless banter that had no purpose being there; no character growth, no new character introduction, no character removal, nothing. One story I had saved, then ended up deleting because it ended up having five chapters of the same internal monologue since the author didn't know how they wanted to progress. I'm not saying this will be you, since every chapter you've had has had a purpose. Just be EXTREMELY careful as you move forward.
thearizona chapter 37 . 1/10/2018
Good on ya for sticking it to those annoying guest review flamers. But the good thing is the increase the view/review stats so should make the story more visible. Lol. So if I had to guess about what hiccup made, it’s a ring for heather. Gold(and not a lot of it), personalized etchings, hiding it from everybody but not wanting to loose it. Sounds like an engagement ring to me.
Until next time,
Keep up the amazing work!
Heathercup Fan chapter 37 . 1/8/2018
Number of Hiccstrid stories on Fanfic: 1.5 K
Number of HiccupxOC stories: 102
Number of Heathercup stories: 15 plus a crossover called "Inheritance of the Dragon's by AvatarHiccup, so that makes 16.
Check for yourself. To all the haters. Leave. Us. Alone.
Guest chapter 37 . 1/6/2018
I have a sneaking suspicion I know what the 'Secret Project is *cough*a ring*cough*, and who it's for *cough*Heather*cough*.
Beuwulf chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
man, it was shorter than expected but still glad to see an update
Noctus Fury chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
Hey, Namikaze! First off, the first thing you're probably going to notice is that I have an account finally! That's right! About time, right? lol So now you don't have to worry about me being a GR now.

I have to apologize that the jerk that's trolling your story is giving you grief. I feel like part of it is my fault because I was the one who encouraged you and gave ideas and suggestions to write this story. He should know what he's saying before going off and telling you this is terrible. This is a fanfiction and you have the right to write whatever you wish. He had no right to troll and harass you about how terrible it is because it's Heather.
To the viewers:

Also, FYI to any of you viewers who read my review, if you watch the RTTE series, you see that she's changed for the best. She's interested in Fishlegs and she's BFFs with Astrid. Also, Heather in Heather's Report was conniving and sneaky because she was trying to save her parents from getting killed by OUTCASTS. How is that self-serving or lacking a moral compass? Also, in the books, Outcasts were cannibals. So if I was Heather, I'd have done the same thing she would've done. Only I'd ask the people I was conning for help before I'd actually con them.

Keep in mind guys that this is a fanfiction and that Namikaze has the right to write whatever he wishes, so long as it follows the rules of the site. The review box is there for you to give ideas, encouragement, praise, and most importantly: constructive criticism. NOT flaming or harassing or trolling. That goes against the articles of the site. If anyone wishes to do these evil things, then feel free to get sat on by a Gronkle. You're not a real writer or a reviewer or even a fan. A true fan respects other fans, regardless if they hold a different opinion than yours. If there's anything I hate more than bad story plots and bad spelling and grammar, it's people trolling and bullying others just because they are doing something different than them.

If you don't like something, then DON'T READ IT. Simple as that. Thank you for your time. ;-)
To Namikaze

I'm sorry that you won't be here as much. I get it though that you want to write your own works and not stories based on other people's works. For me, I'll get around to it in time. But I still need to work on my writing skills before I attempt to do it again.

Also, good chapter so far. I'm guessing either a flying suit for either him or for Heather. That's my best guess.

And thank you for letting me use Norrik. Just wanted to ask. So that people don't accuse me of stealing. ;-)

Hope to see you soon, my friend. Will you be there on Twitter? I'm on there, as well as Wattpad.
warorpeace chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
Maybe it's a ring for Heather? It certainly sounds so. And it would explain why he want to keep it a secret so badly.

It's a bit ironic that a story called Flame was flamed (see what I did? Okay that was an awful pun). Nevertheless, never mind them. Some people just don't have the creativity and open mindness to be acceptive of anything that deviates heavily from the canon. I personally think you're doing a very good job with this story, and especially with the Heathercup relationship (we have so few of them!).

Keep up the great writing :)
Death Fury chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
excellent job
Spartan10007 chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
For returning it's not too bad. You just need to get back into the swing of the story then you'll be fine. Until next time
fastmaniac3 chapter 37 . 1/5/2018
I'm guessing... It's a golden ring. To win back Heather, if I remember correctly.
Well, I can't do much else, apart from wishing you good luck, I guess. Don't let life kick you to the floor.
Heathercup fan chapter 37 . 1/4/2018
Don't worry about the trolls or troll. They go to other Heathercup and HiccupxOC stories just to complain. There was this one story called "Hiccup to Assassin" and the troll hated the story all because it was HiccupxOC. Thats literally the only thing they could say was bad about the story, but i thought it was awesome. Don't let the trolls deter you keep on writing
Guest chapter 37 . 1/4/2018
Please finish your stories, you're a good writer and would be a shame to leave them discontinued, specially this one and Your Own Personal Savior. Even if you won't write much, at least something to wrap it up.
Spartan10007 chapter 36 . 7/12/2017
Finally got the time to catch up on this story. Good work. Also "the talk", something everyone fears lol. Keep up the good work. Until next time
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