Reviews for The Trekker (1)
M1LK T3A chapter 82 . 1/29
I'm at a crossroad. I don't know if I should this as my final review or write 3 more in its wake. To leave it at 237 reviews to the 87 chapters or to make it reach 240 reviews. I seriously enjoyed this chapter. I'm a little sad that there are only 5 remaining.
M1LK T3A chapter 80 . 1/29
I uh... May have let out an evil and sadistic giggle when England punched Oliver in the face. I'm still fighting the glee and urge to laugh maniacally.
M1LK T3A chapter 65 . 1/29
Go Gillen! Save your girly friend!
M1LK T3A chapter 64 . 1/29
Oh no! Not sweet Mrs. Sarah!
M1LK T3A chapter 62 . 1/29
Oh man, I really hope his plans are foiled once and for all.
M1LK T3A chapter 61 . 1/29
Oooooooooooooh that dick! This is going to get interesting. I can't wait to see how she manages to explain to the other nations that she is no longer safe!
M1LK T3A chapter 59 . 1/29
I know there are no pairings but i can't help but ship her with Prussia
M1LK T3A chapter 48 . 1/27
And the truth is out
M1LK T3A chapter 47 . 1/27
Awwwwww. He cares!
M1LK T3A chapter 46 . 1/27
Not Gillen! My sweet evil depressed boy! Gah! So mad right now!
M1LK T3A chapter 45 . 1/27
Oh that sneaky, conniving little... He's good. Oh. He. Is. Gooood.
M1LK T3A chapter 43 . 1/27
M1LK T3A chapter 36 . 1/27
I actually like the idea of some chapters just being journal entries. It's neat and i don't think anyone has done it before! If you wrote another fic solely on Arya's journal entries I would read it wholeheartedly.
M1LK T3A chapter 35 . 1/27
this is hilarious. I would put a ton of laughing emoji's if i could. I loved this so much.
M1LK T3A chapter 25 . 1/27
For the longest time i didn't know what the 2p! Meant. Im glad to announce that because of this fic i now know it means player 2.
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