Reviews for A New Day Gone Bye
DarkestLight234 chapter 58 . 7/12
Rick and Lee are actually excellent at handling other people when they work together. Both have a natural charisma, Lee is better at talking people down, trusting them, Rick's better at taking control of a situation.
DarkestLight234 chapter 57 . 7/12
So essentially... they have to go through everything they did in the show and the game, with a little extra thrown in there. You sir are sadistic.
DarkestLight234 chapter 55 . 7/12
Fuck... poor Rick, poor Lee, poor everyone, but especially those two. Rick isn't holding out well, too many things have happened to them.
DarkestLight234 chapter 16 . 7/11
Yeah, Rick definitely performs better than Lee under pressure. Not that I dislike Lee or anything, I mean was a sherif so of course he's better at this type of thing.
Whitetiger789 chapter 1 . 1/10/2019
It's sad that this isn't updated anymore
Yaoiboi925 chapter 8 . 9/30/2018
Yaoiboi925 chapter 6 . 9/30/2018
I hope Lee finds Clementine. Lee without Clementine is like...Lee without Clementine. It just ain't right.
Guest chapter 79 . 5/21/2018
Good luck out there man
19Teardrop94 chapter 11 . 3/30/2018
I can't read on. The clusterfu- that this group is, is just grating on my nerves. I hate Larry so much. And Merle. I mean, I like how you switched things up, but this is just too many people at once. If I were in that group, I'd snatch some food, a gun, and hightail it outta there. Their constant complaining is already irritating me. Imagining if I were there just makes it worse. It was okay while it lasted, but the entire 79 chapters is a no-go.
The Flying Hawaiian 001 chapter 73 . 1/21/2018
I don't know if I said this before, but... thank you. Your work inspired me to become a better writer, on both Fanfiction and in general, and I couldn't be more grateful for how much you inspired me.
The Flying Hawaiian 001 chapter 72 . 1/21/2018
To everyone asking for this story to come back, I'm sorry, but it just won't happen. The author has made their decision, and won't continue it.
Vincent chapter 79 . 1/10/2018
Please come back one day.
Guest chapter 79 . 12/11/2017
ZombieGuy96 chapter 79 . 12/6/2017
Sad to see this story has been cancelled, but I understand completely, so don't worry about it. Hell the 78 chapters you did give us were pure gold and as sad as it is to see this story (and yourself) go, I'll always have fond memories of reading some of most intense, best chapters that this story had to offer, seriously in terms of fanfiction this was one of the very best I've read.

Obviously it's saddening to see this story go, but I feel like interest in the walking dead game as a whole (as well as the TV and Comic) is declining. Well for me personally, as I feel all three are declining in quality and after running for so long they're starting to lose my interest and I don't know if you felt the same way but the passion from the source material you have at the start of a fic can fade over time and lead to writer's block etc... so don't worry about it and it's nothing to be ashamed of, like I said 78 chapters of pure gold to be reading through. I'll have to re-read this and a few other gems seeing as it's becoming increasingly hard to find good stuff in this fandom and others.

Anyway, it's going to be weird not leaving my mass reviews anymore as I enjoyed reading and analysing everything while watching the characters grow. I know people have probably already told you this but it stands true and I agree with it that however bad you think this story was, it really wasn't. It was a pleasure to read through every chapter and (despite being late to review at times) I'd always make time for this fic.

Again, sad to see this masterpiece go but if you ever decide to start writing again in whatever field on here or anywhere else, I'm sure you're gonna do just fine, because if this story's any indicator of what you're capable of then I'm sure if you find your love of writing again on another source material or even original material etc... etc... then it will be great.

Anyway, rambling on again for the final time, guess there's no other words to say than, I'm really sad to see this go, but I understand your reasoning. Hope to speak to you again and best of luck in the future!
Watchmen1985 chapter 79 . 12/1/2017
please don't give up on this ive been reading this story since the start and the mistakes you made on this story is nothing to be ashamed of this is still a great story i don't care how many mistakes you made on this story it is a masterpiece you are a fantastic writer please don't give up we will all be patient and wait for the next chapter of this if your facing problems outside of fanfiction don't feel bad about it its just you have to do things like pay the bills going to the store going to family reunions visit your friends but if you still wanna do this decision i will support and if you do rewrite this will you please let me know i love the stories that you make and im sad to see this story go but im glad your okay i was beginning to worry about you if you rewrite this or a friend of yours rewrites this please let me know
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