Reviews for Stay
bellislefan chapter 2 . 2/6
well done chakotay. why could we see that in the show. it would have been so good.

hope you do another fic soon
Guest chapter 2 . 5/25/2015
This is very good. The characters are spot on. Please continue.
aprilstorm chapter 2 . 2/6/2015
Love it :) keep going
Teya chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Nice! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this. :-)
brankel1 chapter 2 . 1/13/2015
scifiromance chapter 2 . 1/13/2015
I repeat the praise in my beta reply, I loved this! :) The opening C/7 scene was still so touching even on the fourth reading, and Chakotay's reactions to what the Admiral put Seven through and his interactions with both Janeways were very believable.

You did really well with both versions of Janeway, as I said, I could hear the actress' voice as I read the dialogue.

WELL DONE and thanks so much for writing Nikki! :D

Guest chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
I wasn't going to read, as I really dislike Chakotay/Seven pairing; it was never developed well enough to make it plausible. Although both actors looked good together, they just don't have that spark that Chakotay/Janeway have and their scenes especially in Endgame seem forced and almost painful to watch. Having said that you have depicted the Admiral brilliantly, you captured not only the bravado but also the pain that surely lies underneath.
Alaster Boneman chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
this was an awesome emotion filled chapter I lived every thing about it... but and I hate to do this bit its nit pick time... some of your wording is of. AKA (make poor seven)
usually I don't nick pick those kind of things but when I good righter like you douse them I feel I need to help rectified the mistake.
I hope you under stand
Yours Alaster Boneman
brankel1 chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
Beawild chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Well written first chapter, although this is the one pairing that TPTB threw at the end of Season 7 that I thoroughly despise. Seven and Chakotay had nothing in common. He and Kathryn were Seven's parental figures. It would have made more sense to pair her with the Doctor or Harry. Despite their ups and downs, Janeway and Chakotay were soul mates.

Having said that, good plot. In reality the Admiral may have been blunt, but she was telling her the truth. In her time line, Seven died in an away mission and Chakotay never recovered.
Alaster Boneman chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
doom dommm dooooom. dame further Janeway is a bitch she and the borg queen diseve each outher. good chapter man you have mangaged to take one of the most universely hate stv episodes and made it bearable and even dair I say it good. tho I would profure a little more of the seven/ Chakotay romance but perhaps I have been spoiled. what do you think?
Yours Alaster Boneman
scifiromance chapter 1 . 11/13/2014
I must say well done again, Nikki, I love this! :) I repeat everything I said in my beta, and there's so many other sweet, insightful moments too. The image of Chakotay imagining two Janeways looming over him accusingly as he went to Astrometrics made me laugh, but is accurate too, and his and Seven's scenes were just lovely. Once again I compliment your portrayal of Janeway, and agree with you that she and Harry are the hardest to write, sigh.

Thanks for writing and I hope you can write more soon, I can hardly wait to see where you take this! :) I'll beta again of course.
