Reviews for Personal Matchmaking Companion
Eris chapter 4 . 5/27/2019
Fascinating story. Very nice.
Shiranai Atsune chapter 4 . 10/8/2018
I remember this fanfic!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/3/2016

I don't know why it took me so long to review this. It's hilarious. You captured Hiro's first date jitters perfectly, and as always, Baymax was spot-on. And a FIRE? REALLY? REALLY? I REALLY, a FIRE? xD

Anyway I like the subtleties in the descriptions - like when you alluded to Stephanie's appearance by pointing out that her blushing was a "feat" because of her dark complexion. That's the way to do it without rattling on and on like Tara about what Enoby and co. look like xD

I hope you do more at some point. Your Baymax is as entertaining as the actual movie character.
RealDone Universe chapter 2 . 9/26/2015
This chapter was killer. I do admire people that have a knack at comedy cuz I sure don't.
Man, Baymax needs limits cuz that was insanely embarrassing
Epsilon Scorpii chapter 4 . 7/28/2015
Hahaha, Baymax is most definitely the worst third-wheel ever :p I really enjoyed this!
RealDone Universe chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
Funny, it reminds me of how I began my fanfic. Great work
MissRosyJam chapter 4 . 6/28/2015
This was such a cute chapter! I am glad you updated!
miyame-chan chapter 4 . 6/28/2015
oh, hiro! such a cutie. :3
SharKohen chapter 4 . 6/26/2015
I like shy and embarrassed Hiro. He's so sweet.
Acia Granger chapter 4 . 6/26/2015
LOL!:D AWWWWW! THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!:D I can't wait for more updates it's so adorable and absolutely hilarious!:D
Momijifan Low-Ki chapter 4 . 6/25/2015
Well that could have gone better
TheUltimateFangirl2020 chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
Update this soon please this is so priceless omg XD
Miss Pookamonga chapter 3 . 5/11/2015

Seriously, the comedic timing in this story is brilliant. I'm on the verge of guffawing inappropriately loudly every few lines. I don't know why, but I almost lost it at "Nope! My parents had me tested!" Fred would literally say that xD

And Cass freaking out was so in character it was almost like watching her in the movie. Especially the little add-in about her putting Hiro's baby photo in the cafe because of his pudgy cheeks, lol.

Anyway, I know you're meh on continuing this but few written stories aside from The BFG have given me the urge to laugh this much over them. I'll probably end up bothering you about this about as much as you're bothering me about the Loki fic i'm supposed to be working on. BUT THIS IS REALLY FUNNY OKAY

Miss Pookamonga chapter 2 . 5/10/2015

Congratulations. As much as I feel things while reading stories, it's very difficult for me to actually outwardly react to anything. But if I hadn't been in the same room as my parents awake at nearly 3AM, I probably would have lost it. Baymax is amazingly in-character and you have mastered his speech patterns perfectly. Which contributes to the hilariousness. Embarrassed!Hiro is so amusing.

Anyway, I did need some cheering up and that definitely helped. I love this.

Guest chapter 3 . 5/9/2015
I love how you put Finn in there. I laughed out loud at that. This story is extremely cute. I love it.
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