Reviews for The Story of the Earth Sage of The Leaf
RenegadeSon chapter 50 . 2/13/2016
Interesting. This is how Zet got the power huh? Amazing battle by the way. Makes me wonder what's going to happen next. Looking forward to it.
RenegadeSon chapter 49 . 1/4/2016
Another chapter that brings anticipation of the next. I am anxious to see what happens to Hagaromo... More so than the battle actually.
NF15617 chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
This first chapter needs a lot of work with grammar and sentence structure. If you have become better at writing you should write the first chapter again.

Also the name Pedro Namikaze is not a good combination for a Naruto story. if you are going to use an original character the name should fit in with the overall story or should at least be introduced later in the story. I can't imagine Minato having a close relative named Pedro, it just doesn't work very well.

If you are going to have a major character in the story that does not follow the theme of the Naruto series you should write some of the story in a different way to show how your story is not the same as the original and write your story using characters that the readers will know from the series. after you have shown the readers how your story is not the same as the normal series you can introduce original characters and they will fit better with the story you are writing.
RenegadeSon chapter 48 . 12/19/2015
So very interesting. You have kept me reading since chapter 1. This concept is pretty cool. I like that you stuck with it.
To offer a friendly critique, you should not leave so many explanations on parenthesis throughout the story. It reveals to much and explains a lot of information that could be revealed through the story.
Aerohitman chapter 5 . 11/15/2015
Good so this before naruto is born? Little confused kn the time line.
Aerohitman chapter 2 . 11/15/2015
Okay, feeling it so far. Not aure were the fight ishappening but thats not important i guess
Lets see What's next
Ross chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
In you summar, your name, and the review you left yourself, you sound very assured that your writing is the be-all-end-all. Big talk coming from someone with such a pitiful fan base.
s.k.f.f.f chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
soon as i read name of author and summary, sounds very narcissistic

pedro this self insert story

ill pass..

i bet there is a huge disparity in views and comments, i'm guessing you're deleting any flaming or negative reviews...i imagine my comment will be deleted too
H0rus chapter 5 . 10/14/2015
Read the first few chapters, and, while I like your summary, and the general idea behind this fanfic, your use of western terms and names really take from the overall "magic" that readding a fic can bring you.
When a fanfiction reader starts readding a Naruto fanfic they slowly emerse themselves into the universe the author creates, the major (and to me the only) problem with your fic, and I belive it is also the reason why not many are following your work, is your usage of non japanese term, or their english translations.
Either way, I'm going to continue to read this story over the next few days, like I said, I like it.
Kariyo chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Great story please write more thing's
hgjdf chapter 33 . 7/19/2015
WOOOO! what a journey! PLEAES change the summary so that you can get more Reviews
hgjdf chapter 23 . 7/19/2015
Awesome, as always
hgjdf chapter 6 . 7/19/2015
Really liked this chapter! Amazing work! Please respond to some reviewers questions in some chapters! great job!
hgjdf chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
It's a shame you worked so hard on this fan fiction only to get a small amount of reviews. You deserve much more, man!
The Chaotic Scribbler chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
Despite this looking really epic, you ought to change the summary from what you're doing in this fic to an actual summary. Seriously, man. You want this to be REALLY read or not?

Enable guest reviews. Quite a big portion of reviews actually comes from guests, so your fic will gain more popularity, and faster.

I suggest you spread out your update time. 31 chapters in just 6-7 months is impressive, but it doesn't do much at all for story feedback. More feedback comes when more people view it, and more people will view it if it stays in a single spot for a longer period of time.

A good start for the moment, but I strongly suggest you pay attention to the reviews that say what I've just said. From what I can gleam from the reviews, your fic could easily garner over a hundred times better feedback than what you're currently getting.
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