Reviews for Heart-to-S Support
Guest chapter 4 . 11/9/2015
You forgot about Dickson's gun-sword in that list of stuff that the people of the Bionis have.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/16/2015
Reference to clawing you way in nice one I like it
Gfh chapter 8 . 2/19/2015
Good story, cliffhanger is killing me.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/19/2015
Morgan: Well, now that I know my parents and the mystery of this sword, I noticed that I have two fathers. How in Naga's name did I get BORN?
RM-Chan3 chapter 5 . 12/29/2014
I love this! Keep going with it please!
ILoveLoveRomance chapter 5 . 12/21/2014
If I was Robin I'd be the saltiest, I'd hold the longest grudge against Dunban. Starting to hate his character a little a swift punch to the gut acceptable throwing someone off a roof top unacceptable Ima be Agnes about this chapter got me salty.
Starryskys102 chapter 5 . 12/21/2014
Ok, the first time I read that, I was slightly terrified of Dunban's actions, and felt like I was getting that vibe you get from Mummkarh in the prolog of Xenoblade. After i thought about, I guess it did seem funny, but maybe lighten it up a bit? I don't know. Keel up the great work!
Zekrom42 chapter 4 . 12/21/2014
Crazy hand name is Dante? Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
ClumsyWrighter chapter 4 . 12/7/2014
why why are there no more D,X
i think this is predy good so please continue...
ClumsyWrighter chapter 3 . 12/7/2014
sorry but i thought shulk didnt have a taist of taist XD
GintaxAlvissForever chapter 4 . 11/23/2014
You know I cracked up when I saw the name Dante pop up. Its like our conversation be like "Oh Master isn't a hell of a butler so we have to avoid that name at all costs!" As you proceed to name him a character from Assassin's Creed. Now I'm forever going to see Crazy as the cool Dante and be like "This party is getting crazy!"

I'm sorry the lulz for that name convention got me over the feelz. Glad Shulk is okay though. LOL
ILoveLoveRomance chapter 3 . 11/22/2014
Im really looking forward your next update, I don't know much about Shulk because I've never played his game so this is really informative. Ps Im really feeling this story :P
GintaxAlvissForever chapter 3 . 11/15/2014
I pretty much explained to you in the message I sent but the support system in Fire Emblem Awakening in particular is about two people working together and depending on how well its written depends on if the marriage is forced or not. Most people in the Smash fandom have played Awakening though so people should understand why you are going for the heart-to-heart.

The effect of a support conversation is either comedy or drama depending on the characters and C-B-A-S is not having in the same time frame (as a character can support with multiple people at once) and therefore building a slow relationship using this system would not really work unless some dramatic thing happened. For me if something life threatening or action based doesn't happen in some supports then it's kind of boring (But that's why Lon'qu/Lisa is one of the more popular pairing giving the whole rescue romance in the support).

Keep up the good work. The only thing I should note if you're switching locations, add another divider line to know that they're not in the same place. In some situations this might not work but most of the time it allows the reader to know you're not in the same location.

Also can I make a joke about how Pit was like "I don't think Dr. Mario is a real doctor." In the Palutena's Guidance and now people are joking about how Dr. Mario is not a real doctor no matter what we do in fanfic.
GintaxAlvissForever chapter 2 . 11/11/2014
Its funny how I keep forgetting that even if I refer to Shulk as "an alien" I never have him suffer the same problems like Either Deficiency because I forget. (Its probably why I'm mocked so much for missing important facts in Xenoblades by my friends and reviewers _;).

I never considered Nurse Joy in Smash even if it does make sense because of how in Melee, there was an Event Match that said Peach assisted Dr. Mario in her white outfit or I keep Smashers in the infirmary to a bare minimum. Plus if I started adding Smash characters again, I would just throw N in as an excuse to add an extra hot character due to his theme being in the game.

Well keep up the updates. Since I write depressing stuff, everyone else can make the fluffy stuff. :D
mystic moogle chapter 2 . 11/9/2014
Oh dear, I hope Shulk will be alright... o.o The inclusion of multi-man challenge and Team Battle was nice, and the background bits about Shulk's world were pretty cool. You seem to have a good handle on him and Dunban. I did notice some punctuation errors, so you may want to keep an eye out on those in the future; other than that, the writing was great.

Also, I like your Nurse Joy headcanon. :) I've never seen that before, but it does make sense with all the Pokemon in Smash.

- mystic moogle
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