Reviews for Pillar Of Uzumaki! chapter 1 . 8/10
Let's just say there is an house Uzumaki.

Are there now 72 houses and you replaced a house with Uzumaki or are there 73 houses.

If you replaced a house, then tell us what house. If you don't then you created a 73rd house and that's an ugly number.

Please do more research on the 72 pillars
Guest chapter 2 . 7/19
FromTheUnknown chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
The immediate spelling mistake in the stories description makes me question weather or not it's worth reading..
king gilgamesh chapter 4 . 10/7/2016
as soon as I heard sasuke i quit reading this
Dragoncyber22 chapter 8 . 7/6/2016
A good story, and it has a very good plot. If you make a continuation or continue
the same story will be very cool and that the continuation is very makes you a great fanfic writer, and please continue the story
genesicgaogaigarvsgodgundam chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
Aggrandize chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
I hope this won't turn into a mass crossover.
desdelor97 chapter 8 . 5/18/2015
This was a great chapteR. please keep up the great work.
Rinalasha chapter 6 . 5/18/2015
The casual NTR killed me...would've appreciated a warning
NinjaFang1331 chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
Awesome job with the chapter
Guest chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
I am confused what is naruto?
Is he the tyrant? Based on the fact he acknowledges he treats his pieces like what they are just pieces to get him through in life. Or is he a nice guy?
Does a person like cammy sleep with other dudes as well for a renewable resource that for some reason you have have sex with a random person whenever they ask? When will you show the transition of going from human to devil then basically becoming someone's slave that is forced into serving their every whim?

Why are devils practising a very archaic ritual (sleeping with random people because they asked you to for a resource they can't even tell their giving all they know is free sex whenever due to the devil contract system) so if a female has... I don't know... 100 contracts and 70 of them are males that will obviously abuse this system does that mean she spends a good thirty hours a week having sex with a random person.

Does venalana have to go through this archaic ritual that apparently has been going on for a looooong time.

Is naruto even naruto? As in why give him the name if he has absolutely no qualities related to him?

As you can see there are alot of holes into this plot so far I just can't imagine a concept like love blossoming in a place ruled by lust. FYI what about them lonely devil wives that have husbands that take to long to get back glhome to to their duties.
PS. You cannot just get rid of emotions during sex kindve proven especially during sex with all those endorphins going through the body you will notice other things that you will find attractive in your partner which could lead to many things.

PSS. Grayfia EXPLAIN THAT! explain their situation while preserving the love. Prove that a devil society can easily separate love and not confuse one for the other.

You won't. Thank you for reading this but this story is just to fuked up and adds too many unneccassary elements.

Psss. If cammy foes sleep around for the renewable resource when will kirito attempt to kill naruto Hmmm?
Guest chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
god of all chapter 8 . 5/17/2015
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story
Silvereye-BW chapter 7 . 4/17/2015
Like it. Can't wait for more.
tstoldt chapter 7 . 4/10/2015
You seriously need to proof read and work on your grammar. I am a big fan and expected better of you. I just read all 7 chapters and the grammatical errors significantly impacted the quality of the story.
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