Reviews for everything she sees, she says she wants
dashinginconverse chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
This was so wonderful! I loved that you added on to your previous Demma baby fic, and the fact that you used Loudon Wainwright's "Daughter" as inspiration just makes it that much better.

I really loved how you painted Dean and Emma's relationship here. You can tell that the two of them have grown a lot since the previous fic. I love the name Jules. It really seems like something Dean would pick out.

I really loved the little friendship scene between Dean and Brie. I thought it was really heartfelt and true to character for the both of them. You have a knack for writing any kind of relationship - be it romantic, familial, or friendship - and you do it so well.

I really hope you decide to write more soon. All your fics are such a treat to the fandom!
Seth rollins babe chapter 1 . 11/5/2014
I love it
darkangelpeyton1 chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Oh my god, I think I just died. Ambrose and babies kill me. This was so sweet, and I loved how scared he was of having a girl, and how Brie comforted him. I also adored Logan, he's such a cutie. I will admit that I teared up a little at the end when Dean was holding Jules and the thought of guys trying to date Ambrose's daughter just makes me laugh. I loved this, you did such a good job on it.
ramenreignss chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Oh my goodness, this was so amazing and perfect! I've always imagined Dean freaking out more over having a daughter over a son. Boys he understands, but girls... oh man, what to do! I feel bad for any guy who tries to date Jules in the future. I feel realllyyyyyy bad for them!

But yes, like I said this was perfect and hopefully we'll get to see more kid shenanigans in the future :)
flowersNfreaks chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
This was so cute, I think most men freak out if the find outt heir having a daughter. It's almost like a sign to be a better person with that in their lives.