Reviews for Keeping Up Appearances
wilsonenmanual43 chapter 1 . 4/5
im gonna be honest I dont like how caroline sleep with enzo because of how klaus was didn't sleep around with anyone and caroline did and how hurt klaus was when he found out.. I would have been better if they both date someone else to make it not seem so bad that caroline was with enzo
Kathsluts chapter 50 . 8/14/2019
This is the best klaroline fanfic I have ever read I was soo happy with the ending
IamAFeminist chapter 2 . 3/2/2018
This story is more white and conservative than a Hallmark movie and I love Hallmark Christmas movies... But seriously, Caroline saying "I am not a feminist!", the writer of this fiction might not be a feminist and I don't care but Caroline Forbes is a Hard-core feminist.
Also, if you get a drink every time Caroline says "Oh Please" or "There is the ego I love", you will end up more drunk than Caroline's nanna in this story, so don't!
I stopped reading in the early chapters and I would advise you don't waste any time reading this, not worth it, go read "Songbird" by scarletborn or "I still love you" by AnnaTom23 instead. #Overrated
cameronlove chapter 50 . 12/6/2017
all I can say after reading thisWow what a Journey! I was feeling Epic". Glad I found this story... I loved it... each and every part. Thank you
Emily81802 chapter 50 . 9/1/2017
Honestly this story was predictable to me. But i loved it very much! I finished it in like 2 days!
rodrice1 chapter 50 . 7/22/2017
Well done! This is the best fanfic story I have read. I'm going to read it over and over and over.

Thank you for the best story ever! I have read almost 60 stories. 2 or 3 I could not get through. This is my #1. Well written, great flow. I couldn't put my tablet down.

Thank you for the entertainment.
rodrice1 chapter 10 . 7/19/2017
Damn! You are good! Awesome writing! I'm spell bound.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
U r my favorite writer!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/17/2017
Where are Damon and Elena at?
shadownightaa chapter 50 . 7/5/2017
I like how you did the full circle and brought them back to Liz's house for Christmas.
Just love this chapter is a brilliant ending… to their forever.
It's been a brilliant and amazing story thank you so much for sharing it, writing it, posting it, including so many wonderful characters in it, completing it, making it a brilliant A/U, creating some brilliant new characters.
shadownightaa chapter 49 . 7/5/2017
I luv how you used the saying 'elephant in the room' it's just so spot on for the Klaroline fandom.
I quite enjoyed this chapter and fancied seeing how Klaus and Caroline are building their forever.
shadownightaa chapter 48 . 7/5/2017
Klaroline and passionate lust …. Its brilliant and lovely and wonderful and amazing and just so so so so perfect!
I love seeing them back together.
I can't believe it only two more chapters left :(
shadownightaa chapter 47 . 7/5/2017
Ohhhh Kol is so sweet. I'm glad he will find happiness with Bonnie.
Dreamy sigh ‘Caroline knew all she wanted was him.’
Brilliant! OMGOMG! YES Yes yes! “I don’t want you to ever let me go.”
It's been a long and difficult journey but I'm glad Klaroline are reuniting and talking and sharing the relationship type things.
shadownightaa chapter 46 . 7/5/2017
The wedding sounds amazing. I can definitely see Rebekah taking on the role of a bridezilla. Stefan is so supportive and caring. It's great to see them together.
I really fancied the pool dunking bit. ;)
shadownightaa chapter 45 . 7/5/2017
“I make a mean macaroni bracelet,” :::giggles::: thanks that picture will keep me laughing for a bit.
It's nice to see Caroline coming around to The thought of Klaus changing and opening up more.
What a perfect wager. I hope Klaus wins.
I must say thanks again for the descriptions of the clothing and using real locations. I find myself building a visual portfolio from the story.
LOL the bikini top incident… oh no poor Care Bear.
Luv the chapter.
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