Reviews for Exhaustion
Memna-San chapter 9 . 3/13
It's been a long time since your last update so i don't imagine you would continue this story. But it's one of the best fanfiction i've read, and the best for this pairing. I actually thought that i wasn't sad for the lack of ending, as i enjoyed reading this story so much. English is not even your first language and you killed it. I hope you continued writing stories because you are very talented, thank you for this story !
Paige chapter 9 . 10/21/2018
I love your story so far! I know its been two years but i hope you update soon.
sofi4alpe chapter 9 . 7/2/2018
Continue the story, I really like it
sonder this chapter 9 . 12/30/2017
One of my most favorite things about your work is your attention to detail. How you managed to juggle both Law and Nami's perspectives while keeping their thoughts & reactions realistic but also consistently true to themselves is worthy of applause on its own. And then the plot - you had spared no gruesome details there. These details are what add to the urgency of this situation.

That's why the one little detail that did stuck out to me was the fact that having her hands stabbed pretty much clean through to the other side in Ch.4, Nami should be in /agony/ just twitching her hand muscles alone - much less being able to draw her maps in Ch.6. Heck, getting a papercut already makes one wary of curling their fingers so a knife stab is pretty debilitating. That's the only detail there that had made me do a double-take. Otherwise, please do not give up on this story. Actually, never give up writing in general. Your talent for it and your analysis of these characters are highly apparent.
Chinadollsoldier chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
This is the best law x Namie fic I've come across. Can't wait to see where the story goes.
ntsmry chapter 9 . 9/18/2016
I love this story so much. Looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Lady Yevon chapter 9 . 7/7/2016
Oh man, I have so much to say!

First of let me tell you, the second Monet showed up, I was like NOPE. Get her out of there, DO NOT TRUST! And wouldn’t you know it.. double crosser! ugh, Monet is the worst.

I love that you have Bepo being a total badass a couple of chapters ago. He’s so hardcore, and not a lot of people give him a large roll, so I was really excited reading that part of the story!

I also love how you portrayed Robin. I feel like she can be an interesting character to write, and I think you did a great job.

I really like how you’re giving us a slow build up for the LaNa moments. And this last chapter was fantastic. I’m looking forward to see how Nami and Kid interact, and possibly how Law will react to it. hah

So, I’m now obsessed with this story, it’s really good. I’m excited to see where you take it! Thank you for sharing!
SetsunaHotarubi chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
I am loving this story! I can't wait for the next chapter! One caveat, though; at some points in the story it was hard to tell who was the one speaking. Throwing in a "Law began" or something similar would help extremely in extended conversations.
sarge1130 chapter 9 . 2/10/2016
It had been so long since I read this and I almost forgot the main plot. But still this story gives me an intense feel when now they are planning to go against Doflamingo. This is a quite formidable enemy and is very difficult to topple down since his underground operations had been rooted deeply which was unaware to the government. Or the government had decided not to interfere because of the resulting possible outcome. So Nami seems to be an asset for Doflamingo and needs to be send to Kaido. Though the effects of the drug on her was still a mystery and we don't know about the possible outcome. Law is partly blaming himself for this but there is nothing to do about it. The deed has been done but now all he have to do is to avoid Doflamingo to get what he wanted. Thanks so much for the update ;D
Guest chapter 9 . 2/6/2016
loved this chapter! I hope Law and Nami's relationships gets more personal than less impersonal as they want it to be ahaha
ntsmry chapter 9 . 2/6/2016
Yey for this 't wait for the next one.
Dark Green Snow chapter 8 . 1/3/2016
im curious. Hope you update soon :)
Chinadollsoldier chapter 8 . 10/3/2015
I am loving this story and the fact that it's a lawna fic makes it even better. Take as long as you need to write the next chapter, I'll be waiting on it.
Smarthiz chapter 8 . 8/18/2015
That's one hell of a good plot ;p update soon :D
apple21 chapter 8 . 6/12/2015
I just finished reading this and I really enjoyed it... I wonder what will happen next chapter... update as soon as you can?!
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